Make sure WI GOP electeds own their full Trump credit

Former US national intelligence director James Clapper says Russia swung the 2016 election for Trump.

But while American constitutional norms are disappearing as fast as clean air , federal land protections and nuclear summit meetings, let's not forget that Trump had a powerful supporting cast in our key swing state who rightly get a share of the Trump installation credit, including:

* Ron Johnson, who endorsed Trump at the 2016 GOP National Convention.

* As did Walker. From the podium. In a televised slot he negotiated.

* And then there is the failing, self-diminishing House Speaker Paul Ryan, who, like the rest of the WI GOP congressional delegation, excused and otherwise served as reliable Trump valets before and after his Day One.

The Swamp overfloweth and the country is in crises, snd what of our home state enablers? 

Self-declared lame duck Johnson is beyond consequence. He'll have a second act on the lecture circuit telling anyone who'll listen that he hated his taxpayer-paid junket to DC cuz he didn' 'peal 'Bamacare.

Trump? Not RoJo's problem.

Walker is Foxconning and handing out pre-election $100 tax rebate checks like double-bonus Kohl's cash. Trump? Meh. Doesn't need him, Walker says.

And Ryan is running out the clock on a remarkably short and ineffective Speakership halfway through a Trump term, leaving the country holding the bag. 


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