Peter John @Petejohn77

The Zionist Tommy Robinson on an Israeli tank.
The Zionist Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, and also known as Andrew McMaster and also known as Paul Harris,[4] co-founded the English Defence League (EDL)[10] and the European Defence League, and became involved with the development of Pegida UK.
The Zionist Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, and also known as Andrew McMaster and also known as Paul Harris,[4] co-founded the English Defence League (EDL)[10] and the European Defence League, and became involved with the development of Pegida UK.
Some might accuse him of being 'a Jewish Nazi'.
"The Duchess of Sussex was pregnant when she stood in front of the altar. And she was in love - not with her husband-to-be but her cousin."

Elayn Neal
There is a belief that Elayn Neal mind-controlled the man accused of assassinating Bobby Kennedy.
Elayn Neal's husband was Jerry Capehart.
Capehart told his son that he'd worked for the CIA - 'on mind-control experimentation'.

Elayn Neal
There is a belief that Elayn Neal mind-controlled the man accused of assassinating Bobby Kennedy.
Elayn Neal's husband was Jerry Capehart.
Capehart told his son that he'd worked for the CIA - 'on mind-control experimentation'.

Netanyahu and Modi, boss of India's ruling BJP. Israel's Special Bond With BJP
The story barely reported by Indian media

Eisenhower toppled President Arbenz of Guatemala in order to help the United Fruit Company.
According to the US government: 'GUATEMALAN air force pilots rebelled against a leftist regime in 1954 and used their planes to bomb the regime's bases'.
The planes that bombed the targets in Guatemala were painted with Guatemalan air force insignia, but the pilots were CIA contractors.
Radio messages about troop movements had been pre-recorded at a CIA base in Florida.
Hoisting the false flag - The Boston Globe

"Some critics of American involvement in Syria’s civil war doubt that the recent poison gas attacks near Damascus were launched on orders from President Bashar al-Assad."
More on False Flags here: Hoisting the false flag - The Boston Globe