Limassol, in Cyprus, has a lot of graffiti.

In Limassol, kids can learn how to produce graffiti.

In Limassol there are various gangs producing graffiti.

Organised crime is big in Cyprus.

Paphos mayor claims gangs control Nicosia...

This is Limassol, not Detroit.

This lovely old house in Limassol has been hit by graffiti.

This is the owner of the house hit by graffiti.

Cyprus has become associated with troubled banks, non-performing loans, Russian prostitutes, American spy bases, and the trafficking of people and drugs.

George Grivas, the leader of the EOKA terror group which, starting in 1955, fought the British in Cyprus.

Cypriot politician Dr Vassos Lyssarides said: 'We have a lot of evidence that money was transferred to EOKA-B by the CIA.'

Above we see Limassol's sculpture park, which has been hit by graffiti. 

In the background is a hotel which appears to be falling down.

Bribes can be paid to get round building regulations.

Above we see a famous Limassol church, and some graffiti.

The graffiti sometimes adjoins street art.

Limassol's graffiti may put off some tourists.

Something is going wrong in Limassol?

Immigrants are welcome in Cyprus.

Teens can learn how to produce graffiti in Limassol.

Cyprus, which is said to have possibly the highest concentration of spies in the world.

Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Cyprus.

There is no graffiti in Limassol's New Marina. (above).

Israelis are buying lots of properties in Limassol.


Reportedly, the USA, Israel and the EU want Greek Cyprus to allow Greek Cyprus's natural gas, and 'Israel's' natural gas, to be taken by pipeline, through Cyprus, to Turkey, and then onwards to Western Europe.

aangirfan: THE CYPRUS PLOT


aangirfan: CIA COUP IN CYPRUS?

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