While Foxconn's effects on Wisconsin air and water are rightly front-and-center, the often less-publicized, more routine reviews of proposed discharges of chemicals and contaminates grind on.
Which is part of the reason impaired Wisconsin waterways have doubled since Walker became Governor and weakened environmental protections to better deploy his pro-polluter 'chamber of commerce mentality.'
But you can follow what's afoot by checking the DNR's hearing schedule web page.
Just a few upcoming examples:
Which is part of the reason impaired Wisconsin waterways have doubled since Walker became Governor and weakened environmental protections to better deploy his pro-polluter 'chamber of commerce mentality.'
But you can follow what's afoot by checking the DNR's hearing schedule web page.
Just a few upcoming examples:
10:00 a.m. to end of agenda
Monday, July 16, 2018
Monday, July 16, 2018
Public informational hearing regarding the proposed reissuance of Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to Joy Global Surface Mining Inc.
Milwaukee DNR Service Center, 2300 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Room: Room 139
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 (Milwaukee County)
View map of location
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 (Milwaukee County)

Contact: Laura Dietrich, 262-574-2159
Detailed information: Joy Global Surface Mining Inc. is located at 4400 West National Avenue, Milwaukee. Discharge is to Menomonee River via storm sewer (Menomonee River Watershed, Milwaukee River Basin) in Milwaukee County. The proposed permit (WPDES WI-0025321-08) includes a variance to the water quality standard for mercury.
Hearing notice [PDF]
WPDES public notices
Detailed information: Joy Global Surface Mining Inc. is located at 4400 West National Avenue, Milwaukee. Discharge is to Menomonee River via storm sewer (Menomonee River Watershed, Milwaukee River Basin) in Milwaukee County. The proposed permit (WPDES WI-0025321-08) includes a variance to the water quality standard for mercury.
Hearing notice [PDF]
WPDES public notices
11:00 a.m. to end of agenda
Friday, July 20, 2018
Friday, July 20, 2018
Public hearing on an a permit application from Bemis Films for an existing flexible packaging manufacturing facility
Coughlin Center, 625 E. County Road Y
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 (Winnebago County)
View map of location
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 (Winnebago County)

Contact: Jonathan Wright, 920-662-5405
Detailed information: Bemis Films, located at 2450 Badger Avenue, Oshkosh, Winnebago County, FID 471009990, submitted to the Department of Natural Resources a permit application, including plans and specifications to establish a VOC plant-wide applicability limit (PAL) and make the facility a synthetic minor source for federal hazardous air pollutants and the revision of an operation permit for an existing flexible packaging manufacturing facility.
Air pollution control construction permit 18-JJW-073.
Air pollution control operation permit 471009990-P31.
Public Notice Hearing [PDF]
Detailed information: Bemis Films, located at 2450 Badger Avenue, Oshkosh, Winnebago County, FID 471009990, submitted to the Department of Natural Resources a permit application, including plans and specifications to establish a VOC plant-wide applicability limit (PAL) and make the facility a synthetic minor source for federal hazardous air pollutants and the revision of an operation permit for an existing flexible packaging manufacturing facility.
Air pollution control construction permit 18-JJW-073.
Air pollution control operation permit 471009990-P31.
Public Notice Hearing [PDF]
6:00 p.m. to end of agenda
Monday, July 30, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Public hearing to receive public comments on the air pollution control permit application for the proposed project submitted by Piranha Proppant LLC, located at US Highway 53 and County Highway SS, Dovre Township, Barron County, Wisconsin, FID 603107010.
Contact: Paul Yeung, 608-266-0672
Detailed information:
Detailed information:
Piranha Proppant LLC, located at US Highway 53 and County Highway SS, Dovre Township, Barron County, Wisconsin, FID 603107010, submitted to the DNR a permit application, including plans and specifications for the construction of a sand dryer and a rail loadout and the operation of a dry sand processing plant.
Air pollution control construction permit no. 18-POY-007
Air pollution control operation permit no. 603107010-F01
Air pollution control operation permit no. 603107010-F01
Public Hearing Notice
1:30 p.m. to end of agenda
Monday, August 27, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Prehearing conference WPDES Permit No. WI-0059536-04-0, reissued to Kinnard Farms Inc.
Division of Hearings and Appeals, 819 N. 6th St., Room: Hearing Room 85, Suite 92
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 (Milwaukee County)
View map of location
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 (Milwaukee County)

Contact: Division of Hearings and Appeals, 608-266-3865
Detailed information: On January 28, 2018, the Department of Natural Resources issued a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Permit, No. WI-0059536-04-0, to Kinnard Farms, Inc. The permit was reissued to regulate the discharge from two facilities located at E2675 County Road S, Casco, Wisconsin, and E2669 County Road S, Casco, which would both discharge into unnamed tributaries to Casco Creek within the Kewaunee River Watershed, and the groundwaters of the state. On March 30, 2018, Laura Hammer, Jodi Parins, Erik Sundqvist, Suzie Vania, and Sandra Winnemueller filed a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing with the DNR to review the decision. DNR granted the request for contested case hearing on June 1, 2018.
Notice of Prehearing Conference and Order for Publication [PDF]

Detailed information: On January 28, 2018, the Department of Natural Resources issued a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Permit, No. WI-0059536-04-0, to Kinnard Farms, Inc. The permit was reissued to regulate the discharge from two facilities located at E2675 County Road S, Casco, Wisconsin, and E2669 County Road S, Casco, which would both discharge into unnamed tributaries to Casco Creek within the Kewaunee River Watershed, and the groundwaters of the state. On March 30, 2018, Laura Hammer, Jodi Parins, Erik Sundqvist, Suzie Vania, and Sandra Winnemueller filed a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing with the DNR to review the decision. DNR granted the request for contested case hearing on June 1, 2018.
Notice of Prehearing Conference and Order for Publication [PDF]