Walker didn't schedule a Foxconn photo-op. What's up with that?

Why pass the ball when there are no defenders under the basket and there's an easy layout staring you in the face?

Three theories why Walker would pass -  unless I'm not seeing the coverage - - on a Foxconn photo-op today, instead defaulting to a Tweet and deferring to a company announcement about hiring subcontractors - -

 6 hours ago6 hours agoMore“Foxconn names 37 subcontractors for construction of first building”
(Full Foxconn archive, here.) 

Instead of holding a hardhat, in the dirt photo to milk even more free media from his pet corporate project to which he's tied his re-election bid with $4.5 billion in taxpayer money.

*  Theory #1 - - He knows voters are experiencing Foxconn-overload-overexposure-syndrome, as polling suggests.

*  Theory #2 - - He might have to remember his 'no-collusion-with-Butina' lines, so better reduce the likelihood of more embarrassing questions about embarrassing pictures his own campaign PAC had circulated that have led to embarrassing stories in national media.

*  Theory #3 - - He was busy - - and he's reminded us that he only has so much time to deal with certain issues - - editing his cellphone photos to pick the next round of posted pictures of half-consumed cups of custard, burrito plates and beers.

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