Between 2004 and 2017, in Glasgow in Scotland, the number of people admitted to the city's hospitals for knife wounds fell by 65%.
Meanwhile, knife crime in England has risen by 54%.
Scotland, unlike England, does not have a Conservative government.
In Glasgow, the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) has concentrated on social work and reducing unemployement.
In other words, 'the poor' are being given 'a cuddle'.

In New York, Anne Heller uses the Attachment and Biobehavioural Catch-Up programme (ABC) to make families more civilised.
Stressed kids can have poor cognitive development.
The idea of the ABC programme is to strengthen the parent-child bond and thus reduce stress for children and thus improve mental development.
The ABC programme was developed by Professor Mary Dozier of the University of Delaware.
Heller and colleagues set up a non-profit organisation called Power of Two, which delivers ABC in New York City.
The result is that parents show real change in their parenting and children improve significantly in their wellbeing.

Why do some kids become savages?
Usually because they have been neglected, or, abused.
Children can be neglected both at home and in a poorly-staffed nursery school.
Psychologist Oliver James refers to "childcarers who scrape through school and are doing it for the money, often spending the day texting their boyfriends."

Robert Thompson's parents, Ann and Robert, were heavy drinkers and there was violence in the home. (Profiles: the Bulger killers, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson )
Small children need lots of individual attention and love.
Do nurseries make todlers aggressive?
UK Psychologist Oliver James thinks that nurseries can turn toddlers into savages.
Do nurseries make todlers aggressive?
UK Psychologist Oliver James thinks that nurseries can turn toddlers into savages.

According to Oliver James, day care can produce more boastful, disobedient and aggressive children.
Oliver James says that UK government proposals to allow child-carers to look after more youngsters will make things worse.
Nursery places in Britain have expanded at the same time as a rise in violence in primary school classrooms.
40 primary school children in England are expelled every day for assaulting their teachers.
Naughty children? Blame mothers, says Oliver James - Telegraph / A generation of 'little savages' raised in nurseries as ... - Daily Mail

Jon Venable's mother Susan Venables has been described as a loose woman whose neighbours "noted a procession of men friends for Mrs Venables". "She had been observed physically and verbally assaulting Jon."
(Did bad parenting turn Thompson and Venables into killers? UK ...).
When Jon Venables stayed with his father Neil, there were violent videos to watch, including Child's Play 3.
(Did bad parenting turn Thompson and Venables into killers? UK ...).
When Jon Venables stayed with his father Neil, there were violent videos to watch, including Child's Play 3.
Oliver James refers to a study in America which tracked children for 15 years.
It showed a correlation between the hours spent in a nursery to increased aggression and bad behaviour.

Good nannies can be better than nursery workers.
Oliver James says Mothers who go out to work are to blame for their children's bad behaviour.
In his new book Oliver James says mothers of toddlers should avoid working outside the home.
Putting toddlers into nurseries is ‘warehousing’ them so that the government could push mothers back to work, writes James.
Oliver James would like to see the government creating a network of nannies.
The elite prefer nannies to nursery schools.

Oliver James is against the strict disciplining of young children.
James writes: "As a parent of a child of this age, you need to realise that if things go pear-shaped it is actually always your fault, in the sense that if you keep a close enough eye on them you can prevent atrocities..."
Young children "need to be in the presence of a responsive, loving adult at all times".
Young children "need to be in the presence of a responsive, loving adult at all times".
Oliver James attacks the methods of Gina Ford, a former maternity nurse who has become a best-selling toddler 'guru'.
He writes: "There is a great deal of evidence that very strict routines do lead to more insecure, and to more irritable and fussy, babies."
According to Oliver James, The Naughty Step Technique "often result in repetition of the undesired behaviour, rather than successful management.
"If you are not careful, you are just creating a guaranteed method for your children to wind you up."
Oliver James writes that while babies that are left to cry may be more likely to sleep through the night, "it is the babies whose needs have been met who become the secure, calm and satisfied children and productive schoolchildren, and adults."

UK government minister Elizabeth Truss, who planned for more toddlers to be cared for by fewer nursery teachers.

UK government minister Elizabeth Truss, who planned for more toddlers to be cared for by fewer nursery teachers.
Much depends on the quality of parents or carers.
Jill Rutter, research manager for the Family and Parenting Institute and Daycare Trust says: "children who attended high quality nurseries were much less likely to experience later behavioural problems...
"Nurseries or registered childminders are the only affordable option for most parents..."

Lloyd de Mause
Lloyd de Mause in The Journal of Psychohistory, Winter 1998, refers to The History of Child Abuse.
(The History of Child Abuse Lloyd deMause - The Journal of Psychohistory)
"We cannot be content to only continue to do endless repair work on damaged adults, with more jails and police and therapists and political movements.
"Our task now must be to create an entirely new profession of “child helpers” who can reach out to every new child born on earth and help its parents give it love and independence...
" The success of parenting centers such as the one pioneered in Boulder, Colorado, for instance, has been astonishing.

"Through parenting classes and home visiting by paraprofessionals, they have measurably reduced child abuse, as shown by careful followup studies and by reduced police reports and hospital entrance rates.
"All this has been accomplished with very small monetary outlays, since these parent outreach centers operate mainly with volunteer labor, while it has the potential to save trillions of dollars annually in the costs of social violence, police enforcement, jails and other consequences of the widespread child abuse of today.
"Such a parent support movement would resemble the universal education movement of over a century ago...
aangirfan: JON VENABLES
In the UK, 19.8% of school pupils have special educational needs
(eg learning and behavioural difficulties)
The EU average is 4%

Photo by Bert Hardy
Why does one child succeed in life, and another one 'fail'?
In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough writes that what matters most is character skills.
These are skills such as self confidence, optimism, perseverance, curiosity, conscientiousness, and self-control.
In other words, emotional intelligence, as taught by good parents, good mentors and good private schools, is what matters.

Both rich children and poor children can lack emotional intelligence.

Bill Brandt
"Apparently medical reasons explain why children who grow up in abusive or dysfunctional environments generally find it harder to concentrate, sit still and rebound from disappointments.
"The part of the brain most affected by early stress is the prefrontal cortex, which is critical for regulating thoughts and mediating behaviour.
"When this region is damaged - a common condition for children living amid the pressures of poverty - it is tougher to suppress unproductive instincts."

Website for this image...
Children who do not have good parents need good mentors and tutors, according to Paul Tough.
"Studies show that early nurturing from parents or caregivers helps combat the biochemical effects of stress.
"And educators can push better habits and self control.
"The 'prefrontal cortex is more responsive to intervention than other parts of the brain,' writes Mr Tough.
"It stays malleable well into early adulthood.
"Character can be taught."
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

The problem is - how does a child from a problem family find a good mentor?
The best mentors are often grandparents.
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

The problem is - how does a child from a problem family find a good mentor?
The best mentors are often grandparents.