Flooding poured downstream from the Foxconn site and into mainstream media, too.
So a meteorological event became a media event. What did all that teach us?
While this blog reported on the event - - here and here (and was also presaged, here) - - there are at least three lessons in this Journal Sentinel story, for example, that sent, amplified or created strong messages.
1. Activism gets results. So props to "A Better Mt. Pleasant" and its savvy, dedicated allies.
2. Visual images like this one carried the story.

3. Foxconn's damage control extended beyond onsite repairs to a memorable analysis and pledge in the newspaper's story:
So a meteorological event became a media event. What did all that teach us?
While this blog reported on the event - - here and here (and was also presaged, here) - - there are at least three lessons in this Journal Sentinel story, for example, that sent, amplified or created strong messages.
1. Activism gets results. So props to "A Better Mt. Pleasant" and its savvy, dedicated allies.
2. Visual images like this one carried the story.

3. Foxconn's damage control extended beyond onsite repairs to a memorable analysis and pledge in the newspaper's story:
Claude Lois, who is managing the Foxconn project for Mount Pleasant, said in a statement that “runoff that resulted from the unusual rain event on Monday was short-lived and was addressed promptly that same day by the team.
“Additional proactive measures were completed yesterday that are intended to prevent any similar events in the future.”The rain events were "unusual' and "short-lived" and are not likely occur "in the future?" Just another proof that the DNR really should have left the climate change material on its website it struck and deleted in 2016, including this key section (what is in yellow remains):
Human activities that increase heat–trapping ("green house") gases The reasons for this change at this particular time in the earth's long history are the main cause. Earth´s average temperature has increased 1.4 °F since 1850 being debated and researched by academic entities outside the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 1998Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Increasing temperatures have led to changes in rainfall patterns and snow and ice cover. These changes could have severe The effects on of such a change are also being debated...Full Foxconn archive, here.