Iranian City Condemned For Putting Up A Billboard That Is A Photo-Shop Of An Israeli Military Photo

BBC: Iran city mocked for billboard featuring Israeli soldiers

The council leader in the Iranian city of Shiraz has ordered an investigation after Israeli soldiers featured on a billboard marking the Iran-Iraq war.

The billboard used a photoshopped picture showing the backs of three male soldiers standing on a rocky outcrop.

After it was put up in a square in central Shiraz this week, people noticed the men were wearing Israeli uniforms and carrying M16 rifles.

It also emerged that a female soldier was cropped out of the original photo.

Ever since Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979, the country's leaders have called for Israel's elimination. They reject Israel's right to exist, considering it an illegitimate occupier of Muslim land.

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WNU Editor: You just cannot make this stuff up. Deleting the fourth picture of a women Israeli soldier is just icing on the cake.

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