Walker's '18 run: creepy, conflicted, inane

Six weeks until election day, and a lifeless Walker '18 campaign is marked by creepy, R-rated ads, strangulating contradictions, 'Go Pack Go' and a frozen custard fetish.

Childish Twitter photos aside, the Governor of the Dairy State really can't run as the dairy industry's friend, as farms are closing at the rate of two a day --
Another 47 dairy farms close in WI; 101 since July
-- and some in the industry he has de-regulated are delivering brown water to their neighbors' spigots.

Can't run on fiscal responsibility: He's throwing last-ditch money at roads he hasn't fixed, schools he's underfunded and health care he's trying to destroy. On that score, the contradiction is brutally obvious: the pre-existing condition coverages he's pretending to guarantee are only at risk because he's backing litigation to eliminate them.

Can't run on property rights: His local allies in Mount Pleasant have embraced government-mandated seizure of land and homes preposterously declared blighted so that Foxconn, a foreign corporation, can put enough shovels in the ground to meet Walker's election timetables. This perversion of local authority is about the only exercise of local control which Walker has backed in the last eight years - - so feel free to toss that one-time GOP 'principle' into history's ash can, too.

Can't run on letting the marketplace guide the economy: He and the legislature Republicans run have committed about $4 billion of money from the people Walker likes to call the 'hard-working taxpayers statewide to the Foxconn project - - full archive, here; GOP state senators are so worried about correctly being seen as the Reckless Spending Party that they are refusing to come into special session so Walker can throw another $117 million in taxpayer subsidies to the quite-well-off-multi-national behemoth Kimberly Clark.

Can't run as the Adults in the Room: Poor planning, obeisance to special interests, and climate change denial have left the state and everyday homeowners vulnerable to everything from repetitive flooding - - and don't bet on full federal flood reimbursements, given Hurricane Florence billing - - to contaminated drinking water.

Look to the DNR and the regional US EPA office run by former DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp to back away from strong drinking water guarantees in Wood and Juneau Counties - - and extended, transit-free road congestion from the Marquette Interchange through the Zoo Interchange through 20-whatever..

Can't cozy up to Trump, the GOP's leader: The closer Walker and Vukmir get to Trump, the faster that independent and female voters run the other way. 

Ditto for businesses that grow, import, make and export things, from grain to ginseng, milk to motorcycles. Tariff King Trump's moves will add the equivalent of new taxes on companies and consumers alike, and kiss your little sales tax holiday checkout line pocket change and fractional play Everypaycheck boosts good-bye, Bucky.

So look for Walker through November 6th to co-opt the pro sports' calenders - - Badger Saturdays, NFL Sundays, the Brewers' post-season chase and NBA pre-season, - - lay out the right caps and jerseys, and fuel up the state planes!

Along with these inanities:

Adrian’s Frozen Custard in Burlington. Mmmmmm!

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