Let's be clear:
Walker's effort to maneuver a $!00 million taxpayer subsidy to the profitable, hardly-a-fledgling-startup Kimberly-Clark Corp. - - which had already bragged that had used its earlier gob of free money delivered via the Trump-Ryan corporate tax cut to subsidize its downsizing - - has nothing to do with helping workers in Wisconsin.
Walker has already showed by dirty and damaging deeds what he thinks of workers in Wisconsin; they were pawns in his state-sponsored Act 10 war against public sector unions, chess pieces in his continuing divide-and-conquer scheming with big donors against blue-collar workers through 'Right-to-Work' and another pay-reducing law that ended family-supporting 'prevailing wage' rates on public sector roads and building projects.
Walker is about as much a pro-worker Governor as he is the Health Insurance Governor, or the Education Governor [Sic], et al.
What Walker is doing by asking for a special vote in the State Senate right now is running a scam as transparently disingenuous as the other stunt election-season he's also performing right now - - pretending to give a fig about guaranteed health insurance for the chronically ill - - but this time his target this sleazy-slick bank shot is Tony Evers.
Walker knows he doesn't have the votes in his own party's Senate caucus to approve the Kimberly-Clark bailout because there too many Republican senators there who are fed up with picking winners and losers with taxpayer funds to help Walker across the November finish line.
So Walker wants Democrats to provide the votes and for Evers to take the rhetorical lead, as if Evers has anything to do with Walker having made everyone dance to Kimberly-Clark's tax-and-spend September 30-or-else deadline.
Democrats who supply votes for the K-C bailout will only get Walker's 'praise' on Twitter, much the way he gave with false sincerity to Democrats who voted with him on the Foxconn deal, and took the drubbing for from other Democrats which Walker knew and made sure was coming.
This is all Walker's doing. Let him find the votes in his ruling party's majorities and tell already voters already tapped-out-by-Foxconn that they and their Scottholes won't miss another $100 million.
Walker's effort to maneuver a $!00 million taxpayer subsidy to the profitable, hardly-a-fledgling-startup Kimberly-Clark Corp. - - which had already bragged that had used its earlier gob of free money delivered via the Trump-Ryan corporate tax cut to subsidize its downsizing - - has nothing to do with helping workers in Wisconsin.
Walker has already showed by dirty and damaging deeds what he thinks of workers in Wisconsin; they were pawns in his state-sponsored Act 10 war against public sector unions, chess pieces in his continuing divide-and-conquer scheming with big donors against blue-collar workers through 'Right-to-Work' and another pay-reducing law that ended family-supporting 'prevailing wage' rates on public sector roads and building projects.
Walker is about as much a pro-worker Governor as he is the Health Insurance Governor, or the Education Governor [Sic], et al.
What Walker is doing by asking for a special vote in the State Senate right now is running a scam as transparently disingenuous as the other stunt election-season he's also performing right now - - pretending to give a fig about guaranteed health insurance for the chronically ill - - but this time his target this sleazy-slick bank shot is Tony Evers.
Walker knows he doesn't have the votes in his own party's Senate caucus to approve the Kimberly-Clark bailout because there too many Republican senators there who are fed up with picking winners and losers with taxpayer funds to help Walker across the November finish line.
So Walker wants Democrats to provide the votes and for Evers to take the rhetorical lead, as if Evers has anything to do with Walker having made everyone dance to Kimberly-Clark's tax-and-spend September 30-or-else deadline.
Democrats who supply votes for the K-C bailout will only get Walker's 'praise' on Twitter, much the way he gave with false sincerity to Democrats who voted with him on the Foxconn deal, and took the drubbing for from other Democrats which Walker knew and made sure was coming.
This is all Walker's doing. Let him find the votes in his ruling party's majorities and tell already voters already tapped-out-by-Foxconn that they and their Scottholes won't miss another $100 million.