So, what's going on here? A few things. First, every time a Democratic Senator asked "Brett" about an FBI investigation, he looked like the lying weasel he is by deflecting and saying he'll do what the Committee wanted, meaning what Grassley wanted. Because Grassley didn't want an FBI investigation. The GOP knew how sleazy and cowardly "Brett" looked. Second, Grassley was really defensive throughout the hearings about the absence of an FBI investigation because he knew how bad the GOP looked for rushing the nomination through without an FBI investigation. It demonstrates clear bad faith. Grassley is a horrible person, and a stupid one. That's where Jeff Flake comes in.
Jeff Flake is helping the Republican Party while pretending to be an independent-minded rebel. This is how you do things when you are a straight-down-the-line conservative, and party loyalist who wants credit for independent actions that you don't actually have the courage to take. He's pushing the party to do what Grassley should have done, tactically, but was just too stupid to do, given the unlikelihood that anything will come of this to sway Collins or Murkowski to the Democratic side.
This is cover. Nothing more. Had the GOP pushed through "Brett's" nomination without an FBI investigation, the clear bad faith would have made the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill mess look like an historical hiccup, and this time, they wouldn't be able to hide behind so many Democrats. How many times did Grassley try to hide behind Joe Biden? This time, they might get Manchin, but even that's not clear-cut. How much of a mess would you create by foregoing an FBI investigation, and how much could you head off by at least having it? You don't get rid of the stink completely, but you could at least say you had the investigation, and save yourself some of the backlash. It's a low-cost way to reduce some backlash. It creates cover.
With that cover, Flake, Collins and Murkowski can all say they waited for the FBI, the FBI couldn't corroborate Ford's accusations, which were decades old, so they voted to confirm. And that's what is going to happen. Without the FBI, rushing this through would have gotten "Brett" confirmed, but the potential for backlash would have been greater.
So, Flake just pulled a maneuver that would give Collins and Murkowski some political cover for when they vote for "Brett." Maybe Manchin too, once the FBI says that Judge still denies everything and there's no videotape or anything like that. They'll ignore any circumstantial corroboration because the GOP is actively looking for reasons to disregard circumstantial corroboration. Remember, they want to confirm "Brett." They want to pretend that this is a simple, "he-said-she-said" between two equally credible witnesses and that the default must be confirmation. The point of having an FBI investigation is not to learn anything. The point is to say they did it. It's just cover. And that's why Flake is doing it.
If Flake were serious, he'd have made his Committee vote contingent on the FBI investigation having been completed. He didn't. He let the Committee act. That's how you know he's full of shit. If "Brett" is a fuckin' rapist, you don't let his rapist ass out of the Judiciary Committee. You don't vote yes and ask for an investigation after your yes vote. Not if you are on-the-level.
Never trust Jeff Flake. At least Mitch McConnell is honest about the fact that his intention was always to rush through a confirmation, regardless of what happened. There is honesty in his sociopathy. Jeff Flake wants credit for courage he doesn't have.