Obviously, I have to go Brazilian today. As goes Brazil, "Up The Creek," so to speak. Here's Bola Sete. There's a cd release which pairs Bossa Nova with Tour de Force, and you get both in one under the latter title, but this track is from Bossa Nova under the original release. Yeah, I have to do this. Bola Sete really was one of the all-time great guitarists, and you should listen to him.
Picture Of The Day
Flames engulf the Community Corrections Division building as an American flag flutters on a pole during protests after a white policeman sh…Read More...
Andrew Bolt: Australians left to die instead of Trump’s coronavirus cure being used
Hundreds of Australians may be dying because of Donald…
Tweets For Today
Global COVID-19 cases cross 25 million as India sets grim record.
A million additional cases have been detected globally roughly every fou…Read More...