Walker began digging his catastrophic fiscal Scotthole in 2003

Walker is again pretending to be someone other than who he's been for years  by stepping back from his FUBAR politically-inconvenient Milwaukee-area road-building binge: 
Scott Walker says Wisconsin needs a break from 'massive new interchanges in Milwaukee'
I will remind anyone and everyone with my last breath that Walker set this entire fiasco into motion, when, as the road-builder-friendly and politically-ambitious, road-builder Milwaukee County Executive, he championed the unfunded expansion of those very interchanges and many more across WE Wisconsin by teaming up against Milwaukee with anti-city, suburban and business leaders to do this: 
Walker motion in 2003 tripped off SE highway overspending
It's important to remember that Walker - - as Milwaukee County Executive - - played a key role in 2003 on a SE regional planning commission advisory committee which voted, without a companion financing plan, to recommend to state highway planners that Wisconsin add to the SE 'freeway' system the maximum number of new lanes among the alternatives considered - - 127 miles of lanes instead of 108 - - in what ultimately became a $6.4 billion package.

Walker's motion added an estimated $750 million to the ultimate price tag and also increased the number of structures and land removed from the tax base. 
This posture as the Money-saving smaller-roads-Governor is as disingenuous as is Walker the Education Governor, or The Caring Health Insurance Governor, etc.

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