Walker tweet papers over his years of environmental damage

Walker's again treating the Wisconsin environment as a photo op instead of valuable resources he's failing to protect.

I've already posted the first two installments - - here and here - - of what will be a 21-day series ending just before the Nov. 6th election to explain how and where and why Walker has damaged environmental protections in Wisconsin.

Here is a fresh example, as he's retweeted 
with a nice picture on his official Twitter account an invitation to explore the Driftless Area.
Verified account 19 hours ago
Take a trip this fall to the gorgeous Driftless area. Explore the winding Kickapoo River by canoe, car, or even bicycle, and enjoy apple orchards, beautiful fall leaves and more along the way! Visit today:

But here's the other side of the story.
Local Governments In The Driftless Region Exploring Ways To Protect Groundwater
Wisconsin counties and municipalities are exploring ways to be proactive in protecting groundwater resources despite state regulations that seem to restrict them from doing so...
With the Driftless Region’s underlying, sensitive karst geology, many feel that the area cannot afford to wait. In this region, because the aquifers are located very deep in the bedrock, correction of contamination might take hundreds of years...
In Kewaunee County, where there is a large concentration of dairy Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), 30 percent of private wells are contaminated with coliform and other toxins. That well water is undrinkable.
Closer to home, residents of Holmen and Onalaska townships have learned about the high levels of nitrates in monitoring wells surrounding Babcock Genetics that have existed for over 10 years.
This information only came out after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intervened in 2016, questioning the State of Wisconsin’s ability to administer provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA)...
And now there is the proposed construction by Premium Iowa Pork (PIP) of a large hog slaughtering facility just north of Viroqua. Its construction is predicted to attract hog CAFOs to the area. 

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