GOP leaders in Wisconsin are ready, will and able to deal themselves an unnecessary and crippling self-inflicted wound.
Basically, that's what can happen when you take your own news releases too seriously.
So sometime in the 51 days before Democrat Tony Evers is sworn in as Governor and replaces the Republican incumbent whom the electorate rejected, a defeated Scott Walker and his lead legislative hench-people will codified some 11th-hour changes to Wisconsin traditional law and tradition through which they will desperately try to make their beloved FitzWalkerStan permanent.
Assembly Speaker and public official caricature Rob Vos has done most the talking for this sad, one-dimensional, and pathological partisan trio.
He went on Milwaukee talk radio the other day and without understanding the basics of projection or unintentional self-parody said it was Democrats after the election who were the "sore losers."
And he later told his hometown paper that he and allies have to change the rules of the game now so they won't be dictated to later.
Talk about an expanding self-awareness deficit.
Speaking of which: the fundamental mistake these purportedly professional politicians are making is that they over value their own importance and mistakenly think they have a right to permanence and possess a path to its righteous implementation. .
Instead of grasping the truth of what happened on Nov. 7th - that Walker's defeat and the blowout upheaval in the US House of Representatives proved that politics is defined by impermanance and is regulated by the proverbial pendulum.
And as long as Donald Trump is their party leader, and the basic demographics of the US electorate get more urban and less white, Republican losses will continue and the careers of the likes of Vos and Fitzgerald are already on the same clock that Paul Ryan knew was ticking and ran out on Walker.
Meaning that whatever last-ditch rigging of boards and appointments and privilege FitzWalkerVos manage to force into government and foist onto the electorate in Wisconsin are going to be short-lived and self-defeating - - their reversal sped along by public disgust and, more practically, by the inevitable ash-canning of their 2012 gerrymander that gave them their corrupted and unearned share of power that's already begun to fade.
So in the short run, Vos and Fitzgerald will be in a position to dole out a few more favors for donors and special interests and beat their chests at a few more news conferences and trade association soirees - - and with Walker's final, legacy-killing official signature clutch temporarily at some of the levers of power for a bit longe - - but these guys have to know the wheels of justice are already picking up speed and will grind exceedingly fine.

Basically, that's what can happen when you take your own news releases too seriously.
So sometime in the 51 days before Democrat Tony Evers is sworn in as Governor and replaces the Republican incumbent whom the electorate rejected, a defeated Scott Walker and his lead legislative hench-people will codified some 11th-hour changes to Wisconsin traditional law and tradition through which they will desperately try to make their beloved FitzWalkerStan permanent.
Assembly Speaker and public official caricature Rob Vos has done most the talking for this sad, one-dimensional, and pathological partisan trio.
He went on Milwaukee talk radio the other day and without understanding the basics of projection or unintentional self-parody said it was Democrats after the election who were the "sore losers."
And he later told his hometown paper that he and allies have to change the rules of the game now so they won't be dictated to later.
Talk about an expanding self-awareness deficit.
Speaking of which: the fundamental mistake these purportedly professional politicians are making is that they over value their own importance and mistakenly think they have a right to permanence and possess a path to its righteous implementation. .
Instead of grasping the truth of what happened on Nov. 7th - that Walker's defeat and the blowout upheaval in the US House of Representatives proved that politics is defined by impermanance and is regulated by the proverbial pendulum.
And as long as Donald Trump is their party leader, and the basic demographics of the US electorate get more urban and less white, Republican losses will continue and the careers of the likes of Vos and Fitzgerald are already on the same clock that Paul Ryan knew was ticking and ran out on Walker.
Meaning that whatever last-ditch rigging of boards and appointments and privilege FitzWalkerVos manage to force into government and foist onto the electorate in Wisconsin are going to be short-lived and self-defeating - - their reversal sped along by public disgust and, more practically, by the inevitable ash-canning of their 2012 gerrymander that gave them their corrupted and unearned share of power that's already begun to fade.
So in the short run, Vos and Fitzgerald will be in a position to dole out a few more favors for donors and special interests and beat their chests at a few more news conferences and trade association soirees - - and with Walker's final, legacy-killing official signature clutch temporarily at some of the levers of power for a bit longe - - but these guys have to know the wheels of justice are already picking up speed and will grind exceedingly fine.