Because Walker will say anything to get re-elected...

[Updated now that he's the Pre-existing conditions protecting governor. (Spoiler alert: no he isn't.)

[Updated from 6/19/18 - - He's "The Anti-UWM Governor," budget and staff cuts show.]

He says he's the "pro-education" Governor.

Right. Everything in his record screams 'pro-education,' and then some:

He's always been the pro-teacher, public employee Governor.

Whose Act 10 left collective bargaining intact [Sic].

And, remember, it was just a set of "modest, modest requests [Sic]."

From Governor 'Midwest Nice.'

And he's also been the never-cut-school funding Governor.

The always-honest friend of higher-education Governor.

And friend of the printed word, like all pro-education officials.

The pro-blue-collar worker Governor.

Who created those promised 250,000 new private-sector jobs right on time.

He's also the pothole-fighter.

The poverty-fighting Governor.

The champion of local control.

And the pro-women's-health Governor.

As he's been the friend of the small dairy farmer Governor.

Foe of chronic deer herd wasting disease Governor.

And the small-business startup Governor.

Also, the tight-fisted principled-conservative steward of the people's money Governor.

In part due to his wise acceptance (not) of federal funds.

The take-me-at-my-word Governor.

Like he was about his college records and early departure from Marquette U.

Because he's the no-dark-money Governor, wink-wink.

And champion of free and open elections-Governor.

Also, the pro-science Governor.

Especially climate change science.

And like all pro-education governors, would not downgrade children's climate science teaching.

And would never remove air pollution alerts which are vital for kids and seniors.

He's also is the wetlands-champion Governor.

Fighting for public resources over special-interest favors.

The smooth-roads Governor.

Because he's also not the finish what you sort on time Governor, nor:

The clean air Governor.

The clean rivers Governor.

The clean drinking water Governor.

The pro-sobriety Governor.

The save-the-state-parks Governor.

The opioid-fighting Governor.

The pro-DNR governor.

The recycling Governor.

Because, after all, Walker's consistently been the never-tell-a-lie Governor.

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