Arlen Roth with Bill Kirchen, "Games People Play," from Toolin' Around at Woodstock. This one was a session with Levon Helm at his studio. Yeah, that's the guy from The Band. Bill Kirchen, if you know your country-rock history, was the guitarist from Commander Cody & the Lost Planet Airmen, and Arlen is just a total badass.
China Wants Closer Ties With Japan
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, left, and Chinese counterpart Wang Yi pose for photograph before their meeting at the Diaoyutai State …Read More...
This Is A Very Bad Flu Season
Zero Hedge: The Flu Is Far Worse Than We're Being Told
I have been pouring over numbers and reports over the past few days, and it’s act…Read More...
Is The U.S. Losing Asia To China?
Ben Westcott, CNN: Asia under Trump: How the US is losing the region to China
In just one year, US President Donald Trump has changed the …Read More...