With The Help Of China Venezuela Introduces The 'Fatherland Card' That Can Track, Reward, And Punish Citizens

Photo: Mr Maduro has pushed the card with prizes and discounts. (Reuters: Miraflores Palace)

ABC News Online: Chinese telecom giant ZTE 'helped Venezuela develop social credit system'

Chinese telecom giant ZTE assisted Venezuela in the development of a new smart card as part of a program similar to China's controversial social credit system, according to a Reuters report.

Venezuela's new smart card — known as the "fatherland card" — collects a range of information about cardholders and stores it in a state database, which the Government claims will help them provide better services to citizens.

The database, according to employees of the card system and screenshots of user data reviewed by Reuters, stores a range of details including medical history, presence on social media, membership of a political party and whether a person voted.

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WNU Editor: These cards are used to reward and punish citizen behavior in China. If this is the same system that the Chinese are introducing in Venezuela, I expect the same outcome where opponents of the Maduro regime will be denied government services, housing, and food handouts.

More News On Venezuela Introducing The 'Fatherland Card'

Venezuela is rolling out a new ID card manufactured in China that can track, reward, and punish citizens -- Reuters
Special Report: How ZTE helped Venezuela create China-style social control -- IT News
China-style social credit system comes to Venezuela with 'Homeland Cards' -- Taiwan News
Venezuela Shows Us How China Is Starting to Export Its Authoritarian Surveillance Tech -- Slate

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