United States President George HW Bush shares Thanksgiving with US military personnel in Saudi Arabia on November 22, 1990. Photo: David Valdez, White House via CNP
Sami Moubayed, Asia Times: George HW Bush and the ‘American era’ in the Middle East
Depending on who one talks to in the Arab world, Bush is either hailed as a brave visionary or written off as a war criminal
In October 1990, when the United States and the Soviet Union co-chaired the Madrid Peace talks between Arabs and Israelis, the two bitter enemies sat across from each other for the first time since the 1948 creation of Israel.
Secretary of State James Baker did the shuttle diplomacy and took ultimate credit for the historic event, famous for its political significance and the high drama that unfolded during its opening session.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 3, 2018
The World George H.W. Bush Made -- Richard N. Haass, Project Syndicate
Bush’s Somalia mission to save ‘innocents’ echoes today -- Cara Anna, AP
George H. W. Bush's Outsized Legacy -- Robert Merry, National Interest
How George H.W. Bush made modern Europe -- John Kornblum, Politico
“The last of the old world” – evaluating the legacy of President George HW Bush -- Theo Zenou, New Statesman
Are the French hit especially hard by fuel taxes? -- Jasper Jolly, The Guardian
Gas-focused Qatar to exit OPEC in swipe at Saudi influence -- Eric Knecht, Reuters
Iran Isn't Interested in a Yemeni Peace on Saudi Terms -- Ahmed Charai, National Interest
Getting to grips with law and business in high-risk North Korea -- Andrew Salmon, Asia Times
Fifty years on, China ramps up 'ping-pong diplomacy' in South Pacific -- Charlotte Greenfield, Reuters
Trump and Xi serve up trade war truce comfort food -- Gordon Watt, Asia Times
U.S., China Truce Statements Compared -- Bloomberg
Nightmare: How the War in Ukraine Could Go Regional -- Robert Legvold, National Interest
Kerch blockade aims to make Putin great again -- Andrei Kolesnikov, Asia Times
For G20 leaders, greater problems yet to come -- Peter Apps, Reuters