To get a measure of how utterly normalised we've become to Tory lawlessness, just consider the fact that they became the first government in UK history to be held in contempt of parliament for deliberately refusing to comply with a parliamentary vote to release the legal advice they received on Brexit, and it's already been forgotten about within days.
This is always the case. Tory lawlessness and contempt for democracy always gets swept under the carpet and forgotten about.
- Remember when Theresa May and the Tories were defeated in the Supreme Court over their efforts to completely sideline parliament in order to make democratic opposition to Theresa May's hard-right Brexit scheming impossible?
- Remember how the Tories' propaganda merchants in the right-wing rags triggered a tsunami of death threats and abuse against the judges who ruled that parliament is sovereign and Theresa May can't just make up Brexit as she goes along with no democratic scrutiny?
- Remember when the Tories introduced unlawful tribunal fees designed to protect bad bosses by pricing mistreated workers out of the justice system?
- Remember when the courts found that the draconian Tory Work Capacity Assessment regime for disabled people was unlawfully discriminating against those with mental health conditions, yet they carried on regardless?
- Remember when the Tories' ideologically driven benefit cap was declared unlawful by the courts for impoverishing single-parent families and causing misery "for no good reason"?
- Remember when their policy of using the unemployed as a source of free labour for their corporate mates (Workfare) were repeatedly defeated in the courts?
- Remember when the Tories absolutely gutted Legal Aid in order to price poor and ordinary people out of the justice system and make it almost impossible for the victims of their malicious and unjust welfare policies to seek justice in the courts?
- Remember when unlawful Tory efforts to shut down Lewisham hospital were defeated in the courts? (so they simply rewrote the rules to make it much easier for them to shut down NHS facilities against the will of the local community).
- Remember when the Tories wasted £500,000 of public money in under a year challenging criticism of their track record on air pollution, resulting in a hat-trick of court defeats?
- And then there's all the blatantly fraudulent campaign spending the Tories did during the 2015 General Election (that they only got away with because the Electoral Commission are such a toothless and incompetent electoral regulator).
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