Of media and Wisconsin cabinets

As Governor-elect Tony Evers chooses his cabinet, GOP legislative leaders have harrumphed.

"Greatly disappointed" with the number of appointees with Milwaukee addresses, said GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. And no one consulted me, suggested GOP senior hall monitor and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

It occurred to me that everyone is missing the most significant story about Wisconsin cabinets, and I don't mean the one to which Jim Stingl applied his deft fine tooth comb before the Chicago Tribune picked up the story.

I'm talking about the four former Walker Cabinet members who went after him  with unprecedented public condemnations:
[Three of the] former officials said they will not be voting for Walker because of his record on transportation, education and safety issues, "pervasive questionable practices within the administration" and how state matters were handled while Walker sought the presidency. 
One of them, former Corrections Secretary Ed Wall, even wrote a book about his experience, and the title tips off the author's message:
Unethical: Life in Scott Walker's Cabinet and the Dirty Side of Politics

Vos and Fitzgerald might give some thought to the relationship between those events, the voters' rejection of Walker and their own current on-the-outside-looking-in dejection as Evers names the next cabinet.

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