In 2011, Divide-and-Conquer was the true heart of Act 10.
The goal was to strip power from everyday citizens and hand it to the rich, powerful and Republican.
Today, we see another iteration, at the bottom of a bucket of red herrings.
The goal is to keep power in Republican hands so it can be massaged for the rich and powerful.
So do not be distracted by staged worries and hang-wringing feints offered up by one of the key plotters in the WI GOP Law-and-Order Disposal Caucus, because that group of sore-losing authoritarians has its priorities which they underlined in disappearing ink when drafting the power grab in secret.
Also note in Fitzgerald's 'disclosure' the paucity of absence of actual details disclosure, and the word "yet."

The goal was to strip power from everyday citizens and hand it to the rich, powerful and Republican.
Today, we see another iteration, at the bottom of a bucket of red herrings.
The goal is to keep power in Republican hands so it can be massaged for the rich and powerful.
So do not be distracted by staged worries and hang-wringing feints offered up by one of the key plotters in the WI GOP Law-and-Order Disposal Caucus, because that group of sore-losing authoritarians has its priorities which they underlined in disappearing ink when drafting the power grab in secret.
Also note in Fitzgerald's 'disclosure' the paucity of absence of actual details disclosure, and the word "yet."
Scott Fitzgerald says Senate Republicans don't have votes for all extraordinary session bills