Taking a short break here after a long and therapeutic session of head-banging-on-the-wall.
Little else seemed relevant after reading in a single interview which includes his imaginative usage of "onesies, twosies" that Wisconsin GOP Majority Senate Leader Scott Fitzgerald

a) said that Republican legislators will pretty much ignore Gov. Evers' budget submission next year, and b yet despite that obviously arrogant presumption, Fitzgerald said he wasn't ready to declare that Republicans would never accept federal Medicaid funding because being that definitive new would be "presumptuous."
Little else seemed relevant after reading in a single interview which includes his imaginative usage of "onesies, twosies" that Wisconsin GOP Majority Senate Leader Scott Fitzgerald

a) said that Republican legislators will pretty much ignore Gov. Evers' budget submission next year, and b yet despite that obviously arrogant presumption, Fitzgerald said he wasn't ready to declare that Republicans would never accept federal Medicaid funding because being that definitive new would be "presumptuous."
Seriously: this walking-talking-power-grabbing-epitome-of-presumption doesn't want to appear presumptuous.
I feel another head-banging episode coming on.