The Iranian regime has just test-fired a medium range ballistic missile that’s capable of carrying multiple warheads. This test violates UNSCR 2231. Iran’s missile testing & missile proliferation is growing. We condemn this act and call upon Iran to cease these activities.— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) December 1, 2018
NBC: Iran test fires ballistic missile capable of carrying warheads, Pompeo says
"We condemn these activities," Pompeo said, "and call upon Iran to cease immediately all activities relating to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons."
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Saturday that Iran's government had just test-fired a medium-range missile "that is capable of carrying multiple warheads."
The ballistic missile Iran tested has the ability to hit parts of Europe and any location in the Middle East, the secretary said, which he claimed would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution that called Iran to not pursue "any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology."
"We condemn these activities," Pompeo said, "and call upon Iran to cease immediately all activities relating to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons."
Pompeo reiterated that sentiment on Twitter.
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More News On The U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo Remarks That Iran Has Test Fired A Ballistic Missile
Pompeo condemns Iran missile test -- Reuters
Iran tests medium-range ballistic missile, Pompeo says -- CNN
Pompeo says Iran tested ballistic missile, in violation of UN resolution -- FOX News
Pompeo rips Iran’s missile test: Increases ‘risk of escalation’ -- The Hill
U.S. accuses Iran of ballistic missile launch -- Jerusalem Post
Pompeo on Iran missile test: 'We are accumulating risk of escalation' -- Washington Examiner