Walker's embrace of secrecy & stealth are fundamentally anti-democratic, anti-Wisconsin

All signs point to Walker signing most if not all of the secretly-crafted 141-page elevation of legislative power awarded to Republican legislators at the expense of the Governorship from which voters ejected him.

Fitting, isn't it, that the legislators who drafted the proposals they camouflaged as "reasonable" were themselves installed in districts they gerrymandered through maps secretly-drafted behind the closed doors of private attorneys off the State Capitol grounds.

Where, from these safe legislative seats, these GOP legislator awarded privilege after perk after newly-amplified power onto Walker who had ascended to the Governor's office with the help of partisan operatives stashed on the public payroll of the Milwaukee County Executive's Office who could communicate with each other and GOP campaigns through a secretly-installed and operated Internet router in then-County Executive Walker's office suite.

Walker has loved the stealth move, whether when dropping the Act 10 bomb on public employees in the early days of his first term or since his defeat on November 6th welcoming the final closed-door work of his legislative henchman that is delivering a series of sucker punches to the incoming Democratic officials  chosen by a majority of voters.

It takes an especially perverse figure operating in a democratic environment that is fundamentally based on openness and established rules to select secrecy and stealth as his default behaviors.

I don't think we yet know all the reasons why Walker would sabotage any shot at a legacy by attacking the voting majority.

Could be that he doesn't care, could be that everyone he owes called in their markers, could be that he needs this one last hit on a power high to mask for the next few weeks any inkling of doubt that some creeping around the back door along with a rising sense of mediocrity that a cocksure incumbent would  sense if he got exposed in an election upset. 

Bur we do know that Kremlin-style plotting and double-dealing by wannabe Commissars is something new and foreign and repellant to the Wisconsin of Gaylord Nelson, and moderate Republicans like businessman and Milwaukee civic icon Sheldon Lubar who minced no words in an open letter Tuesday to Walker & Co.
"I am not proud to read in the Milwaukee newspapers and learn the conniving that Wisconsin Republicans, led by you and certain others, are planning," Lubar wrote.
Let's hope that when Walker departs the scene there's a democratic rebound led by a mass movement too disgusted to let ever let there ever be a Walker 2.0 - - and which dedicates itself right now to turning the 2020 elections into Vos and Fitzgerald defeats that make Walker's margin look insignificant.

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