So now we know what Walker's henchmen in the GOP-controlled Legislature meant by a few minor, reasonable tweaks after the Walker governorship was defeated by the voters.
They're not just changing the rules in the middle of the game; they're tossing the rules after they lost the game to make new rules that allow themselves to jeep the privileges of winning.
Not merely by tilting a 2020 State Supreme Court election by playing with the schedule. by
Not merely by removing early voting days by up to a month before the next elections to make sure they 'win' the next time, or making sure as few ballots are cast by further embedding voter ID requirements that have been cited in court proceedings as barriers which scores of thousands of voters could not overcome
No -- - Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald - -
with a green light from the defeated Scott Walker - - are bent on nullifying the fundamental change that voters unambiguously declared on November 6th by turning the fair-and-square winners - - Tony Evers, Mandela Barnes and Josh Haul - into virtual four-year clerks who work for legislators and committees stacked with GOP appointees committed to killing the Democrats' agenda before it can get introduced.
An un-American outcome that isoOnly possible if you have power-drunk legislators without moral centers who have kept themselves firmly in place because they had earlier corrupted the redistricting process, and are behaving more like Soviet-era Commissars than honest beneficiaries of decades of a traditional and progressive democracy never before so openly and brazenly and intentionally abused.
I'd been warning about this soon after the November ballots had been counted, and continued to post my concerns as Walker pretended he hadn't really lost and his legislative allies began to minimize what they had in mind.
And as late as Friday I was still underestimating the Republican arrogance, self-absorption and contempt for a democracy in place here since 1848.
I know there are some Republicans in the State Senate who know this is wrong, that this is not why they took their oaths and collect a salary paid by all they people.
Luther Olson knows this is wrong.
Robert Cowles knows this is wrong.
They and a few others are going to have to have Profiles in Courage moments, or the democracy here based on the public deciding the basics in fair elections will be voided if a small group of insiders can then huddle behind closed doors and change the outcome.
It's good to learn that people will gather at the State Capitol steps in Madison on Monday at 5:30 p.m. to protest the GOP's heist of the election.
But everyday people who have already done their ballot-box civic duty should not have to do anything at that hour other than unwind after work or school, walk the dog, fix dinner, play with the kids or get ready for late shift.
Why does every waking moment in America and especially in Wisconsin turn into another necessary active affirmation to stop another authoritarian politician who keeps coming like The Terminator for our rights?
Shame on these Republican 'leaders' for putting their grasping self-service and special-interest slavishness above the will of the people.
They're not just changing the rules in the middle of the game; they're tossing the rules after they lost the game to make new rules that allow themselves to jeep the privileges of winning.
Not merely by tilting a 2020 State Supreme Court election by playing with the schedule. by
Not merely by removing early voting days by up to a month before the next elections to make sure they 'win' the next time, or making sure as few ballots are cast by further embedding voter ID requirements that have been cited in court proceedings as barriers which scores of thousands of voters could not overcome
No -- - Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald - -
with a green light from the defeated Scott Walker - - are bent on nullifying the fundamental change that voters unambiguously declared on November 6th by turning the fair-and-square winners - - Tony Evers, Mandela Barnes and Josh Haul - into virtual four-year clerks who work for legislators and committees stacked with GOP appointees committed to killing the Democrats' agenda before it can get introduced.
An un-American outcome that isoOnly possible if you have power-drunk legislators without moral centers who have kept themselves firmly in place because they had earlier corrupted the redistricting process, and are behaving more like Soviet-era Commissars than honest beneficiaries of decades of a traditional and progressive democracy never before so openly and brazenly and intentionally abused.
I'd been warning about this soon after the November ballots had been counted, and continued to post my concerns as Walker pretended he hadn't really lost and his legislative allies began to minimize what they had in mind.
And as late as Friday I was still underestimating the Republican arrogance, self-absorption and contempt for a democracy in place here since 1848.
I know there are some Republicans in the State Senate who know this is wrong, that this is not why they took their oaths and collect a salary paid by all they people.
Luther Olson knows this is wrong.
Robert Cowles knows this is wrong.
They and a few others are going to have to have Profiles in Courage moments, or the democracy here based on the public deciding the basics in fair elections will be voided if a small group of insiders can then huddle behind closed doors and change the outcome.
It's good to learn that people will gather at the State Capitol steps in Madison on Monday at 5:30 p.m. to protest the GOP's heist of the election.
But everyday people who have already done their ballot-box civic duty should not have to do anything at that hour other than unwind after work or school, walk the dog, fix dinner, play with the kids or get ready for late shift.
Why does every waking moment in America and especially in Wisconsin turn into another necessary active affirmation to stop another authoritarian politician who keeps coming like The Terminator for our rights?
Shame on these Republican 'leaders' for putting their grasping self-service and special-interest slavishness above the will of the people.