Let 1,000 contrasts bloom.
Evers' 1st order directs state agencies to develop modern, anti-discriminatory policies and workplace rules:

Walker's 1st order exempted certain wetlands from development protections, as I noted at the time:
Evers' 1st order directs state agencies to develop modern, anti-discriminatory policies and workplace rules:
Evers' first executive order as governor requires state agencies to develop policies banning discrimination against their employees and the people they serve on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.Underscoring Wisconsin's traditions of fair play and inclusion.

Walker's 1st order exempted certain wetlands from development protections, as I noted at the time:
Take a look at Item #6 of Walker's Special Session directive to the Legislature in Executive Order #1, as it will impact 1.6 million acres protected of non-federal wetlands, or 30% of the wetlands in Wisconsin.Which undermined Wisconsin's science-based conservation traditions.