Polling backs Evers, policies and exposes GOP isolation

So far, Wisconsinites general like what they are seeing from Tony Evers. From Republicans, not so much.

So says many key findings in the first Marquette University Law School poll after the November elections about Democrat Evers' agenda and performance compared to the GOP approach:
On health care, school funding, the minimum wage, corrections reform and redistricting, voters backed the new Democratic governor's positions...[and]...disapproved of the controversial GOP lame-duck session held late last year, which limited the powers of Evers as well as Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul.
GOP legislators sat on their hands during much of Gov. Evers' State of the State speech Monday. The MU Law School poll shows that the GOP is also sitting on a lot of negative numbers, like 55-31% disapproval of their lame-duck session which produced bills ham-stringing the incoming Governor and Attorney General. You can read the full poll results, here
The poll shows overwhelming backing for non-partisan redistricting; lacking it, Republicans continue to maintain their firm grip on the Legislature and much policy formulation and financing while standing for unpopular positions - - hardly a prescription for smart or fair governance.

Some polling highlights, expressed in percentages:

Should Walker run for either US Senate of Governor in 2022: No-53, Yes-37.

Trump's favorability rating: 53-Unfavorable, 42-Favorable.

Should a wall be built across the southern border. No-62, Yes-25.

Should Wisconsin accept available additional federal Medicaid funding, Yes-48, No-42.

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