Medevac revelation infuriates crossbench
Multiple crossbenchers are accusing the government of trying to “subvert” the will of parliament.
During Senate Estimates last night, officials from Peter Dutton’s Home Affairs Department revealed asylum seekers transferred off Nauru and Manus Island because of the medevac legislation would go to Christmas Island, not the mainland.
“Is it the intention, when people are transferred back to Australia under the provisions of the amendments that passed through the parliament last week, that they be transferred to Christmas Island?” Greens Senator Nick McKim asked.
“Yes,” Home Affairs boss Michael Pezzullo responded.
“It is?” Mr McKim said.
“Yes. That is the policy of the government,” Mr Pezzullo said.
“It’s the government’s policy to transfer people who are so sick that they can’t get appropriate treatment on Manus Island, or in Port Moresby, or in Nauru, to Christmas Island?” an incredulous Mr McKim asked.
“Yes,” Mr Pezzullo replied.
The revelation has sparked a furious reaction from Mr McKim, his colleagues in the Greens and independent MP Kerryn Phelps.
“The government is now defying the will of the parliament,” Greens MP Adam Bandt said this morning.
“I will support any no confidence motion moved against this trainwreck of a government. Kick this mob out.”
“This is a subversion of our entire model of representative democracy,” Dr Phelps said.
“The parliament, through its proper processes, clearly determined that people too sick to receive treatment in offshore detention should come to Australia, not Christmas Island, for specialised treatment.”
Climate change farce: How every Australian household contributes $200 a year to those lucky enough to be able to afford to put solar panels on their roof
Subsidies to pay for solar panel installation are set to add almost $200 to power bills across Australia.
The federal Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme together with state rebates - used to pay for subsidies to homeowners for installing solar panels - are set to rise by 45 per cent.
The cost to each household for the subsidy will soar from $134 in 2018 to $195 this year, The Australian reported.
Subsidies to pay for solar panel installation are set to cost almost each home almost $200 (stock image) +2
Subsidies to pay for solar panel installation are set to cost almost each home almost $200 (stock image)
More than two million Australians use solar energy in their homes, and capacity is growing at 50 per cent each year.
Energy Minister Angus Taylor said the cost of small-scale technology certificates - used as an incentive for homeowners to install solar panels - made up three per cent of an average power bill.
Small-scale technology certificates are given to consumers installing solar panels and are then bought back by power companies.
Mr Taylor said Australia's biggest electricity retailers such as Origin, AGL Energy and EnergyAustralia were responsible for a bigger part of power bills.
'The big cost is the profits being taken by the big energy companies in the wholesale market, without innovation or new products, and it is time for them to deliver a fairer deal for their customers,' he said.
'According to the Australian Energy Market Commission, the small-scale technology certificate cost is less than three per cent of the bill, whereas 46 per cent is going to the big generator retailers.'
Solar panels are growing in popularity, with state governments offering incentives for installing them.
Victorians can set up solar in their homes for half the usual price under a scheme introduced by Premier Daniel Andrews' government, while in New South Wales Labor plans for 500,000 homes to have renewable energy technology in a capped rebate program.
The average price in Australian capital cities for a 5kW system is $5,100, according to Choice.
It takes from two to seven years for solar panel systems to begin to pay for themselves and allow homeowners to save money.
Leftist fanatic victimizes kids he is supposed to be teaching
A teacher at one of Australia's most prestigious schools ripped up drawings made by his Year 4 students during a lesson on Aboriginal history.
The Knox Grammar School teacher was giving his nine-year-old students a drama lesson when he asked them to draw their background, heritage and families.
Once completed, he then collected the works and proceeded to tear them up in front of the class.
His aim was to put his students in the shoes of indigenous Australians, claiming they felt the same way when everything was taken from them, The Australian reported.
A spokesman for the well-regarded school, which charges students up to $45,000 a year, said they did not support the teacher's actions.
'When the school became aware of the matter, it was immediately investigated. The teacher was extensively counselled and disciplined. The teacher has apologised to the students.
The spokesman went on to say Knox supports the teaching of indigenous culture and heritage, and will continue to delve into these matters in the classroom.
The manner in which this is undertaken, however, will be further examined.
The school said they will continue to strive for these sensitive subjected to be explored in an appropriate manner.
NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes also weighed in on the matter, stating he believed the school handled the situation correctly.
'Those sorts of things are clearly not age-appropriate and can be very distressing for young kids,' he said.
Somalian woman is found guilty of arranging for her two daughters, aged nine and 12, to have their genitals mutilated in Somalia
A Queensland woman has been found guilty of arranging for her two daughters to have their genitals mutilated in Somalia. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, denied she had taken the girls, then aged 12 and nine, to her birth nation in April 2015 to undergo the procedure.
She was convicted by a Brisbane District Court jury on Wednesday of two counts of removing a child from the state female genital mutilation (FGM). The jury deliberated for about 90 minutes before reaching their verdict.
The trial heard the woman, who had undergone a similar procedure as a girl, had her daughters endure FGM a few days after arriving in Somalia.
One of the girls was called inside from playing outside her grandmother's house and had no idea what was about to happen when she had the painful procedure. She was conscious throughout and it caused pain for days. Her sister was also subjected to the procedure, also with their mother by her side.
'(Their mother) had them in her care for the entire time. She was there when they were mutilated not long after they arrived in Somalia,' crown prosecutor Dejana Kovac said. 'She extended the trip to give them time to heal before returning to Australia.'
The family returned to their home in the Logan area, south of Brisbane, seven months later. Then the girls' stepsister tipped off child safety services.
The girls told Queensland police about their experiences, leading to the charges against their mother.
Female genital mutilation removes the clitoris and other parts of the genitalia, preventing those who have undergone it from experiencing physical sexual pleasure and theoretically increasing the likelihood of a girl staying a virgin until marriage, and taking away a motivation for extra-marital relations.
In a police interview, the woman said their trip had been to visit her mother and she'd done 'nothing' in relation to a genital mutilation procedure. Whatever had happened to the girls was 'from God', she said.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here