Stars and Stripes: The Army needs to recruit more Gen Z-ers and it's turning to recruiters' rap to do it
WASHINGTON — The Army is revamping the way it recruits future soldiers after missing its recruiting goal in 2018 for the first time in more than a decade, and the service is – at least in part – turning to rap music to pique the interest of Generation Z.
In a three-minute, Army-produced music video released Friday, Army recruiters Sgt. 1st Class Arlondo Sutton and Sgt. 1st Class Jason Locke rap about their Army experiences as clips flash showing soldiers in action – preparing to jump for a plane, fast-roping out of an airborne helicopter, toting M4 and sniper rifles and handling military police dogs.
“Giving all I got. I ain’t never gonna stop. Army changed my life,” Sutton raps in the chorus of the song entitled, “Giving All I Got.”
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WNU Editor: I am not a fan of Rap.