A controversial hat

My daughter in law is a great traveller and when she was last in NYC she bought me a hat. Above is an image of it. She even bought it from Trump Tower. It is not actually a true Trump hat. A Trump hat says: "Make America great again". The one above says something slightly different. But very few people would notice the difference.
I wore it on my morning shopping trip a couple of days ago in suburban Brisbane. Brisbane is a long way from the USA so I wondered if it would get a reaction. Consistent with their aggressive nature, American Leftists do sometimes attack the wearers of such hats. Would that hatred spread to Brisbane?
It did, sort of. When I had finished my shopping around about 10am, I stopped off where I usually do for a morning cup of coffee. The girl on the counter took my money for it but then went out the back. She came back and told me they had run out of coffee!
I didn't argue. In the best libertarian style, I just left for another place a few doors down that had plenty of coffee! What do you think? Do you think a coffee joint would really run out of coffee?
There's a famous Australian Country and Western song called "The pub with no beer". So I did one better. I encountered a coffee joint with no coffee! I am not going to name the shop concerned as the people there are usually pleasant and I like their coffee. They served me as usual yesterday. We conservastives are forgiving people. We have a lot to forgive -- JR
Domestic violence propaganda
Bettina Arndt
Across Australia school kids are being fed the most dreadful, misleading propaganda claiming that men’s misogynist attitudes to women are the cause of domestic violence. I was contacting recently by Anthony, a maths teacher in a Victorian school, who sat through one of these programmes and was appalled by the damaging images being taught to the children.
The OurWatch video being inflicted on staff and students at his schooI consisted of endless portrayals of nasty boys being mean to girls, women receiving unfair treatment and discrimination, dominating males using their patriarchal power to control society, women as pathetic, powerless victims cowering from aggressive men. Ironically this was couched as a ‘Respectful Relationships’ programme which actually teaches children to respect girls and denigrate boys.
Anthony wrote to me to say he has had enough and is planning to speak out at his school’s next programme. I thought it might be helpful to interview Anthony about his experiences and see if we can create a grassroots movement bringing everyone who would like to take action regarding this indoctrination of our children.
I’m hoping Anthony will run this show (I have enough on my plate!) But my video inspires you to come on board, write to me and I’ll pass your email on to Anthony and he can bring you all together and make plans for action. Please use this email address - https://ift.tt/2EUQ3Qi so your letter can be forwarded directly to Anthony.
So here’s my video with Anthony. I hope he inspires more of you to stand up and be counted rather than just wishing someone would do something about all the male-bashing going on in our society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7rpCa7qeqo
From Bettina Arndt, bettina@bettinaarndt.com.au
The 'misleading' oil spill map shared by environmental activists which could cost Australia 5,000 jobs and billions of dollars
A map showing the predicted result of 100 different oil spills at once has been hijacked by environmental activists in a bid to shut down a new drilling which could bring billions of dollars and thousands of jobs to Australia.
Last month Norwegian oil company Equinor publicly released its plans for exploratory oil drilling 370 kilometres off the South Australian coast.
The company calculated which areas could be affected in 100 different scenarios of an oil spill left unattended for 129 days.
A map in the plans details the amalgamation of all these areas, showing that anywhere along the length of the south coast and up the east coast as far as Sydney may be affected by a spill.
The map was shared by Greenpeace and other environmental activists in a bid to drum up support for stopping the project.
The group tweeted the map with the caption: 'BREAKING: Oil giant Equinor has released its so-called 'Environmental Plan' for oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight. 'This map from Equinor's own prior modelling shows a spill could hit anywhere from SA to NSW.'
This week a right-wing think tank slammed the protesters, insisting they are misleading the public by sharing the map. Fred Pawle of the Menzies Research Centre wrote an article in the Spectator calling the map an 'illusion'.
He said: 'The response from the perpetually outraged has been to misinterpret a map of the area that would be affected by a spill, share it extensively on social media and invite people to send their objections.
'The illustration looks scary but thankfully it is an illusion,' he added, pointing out that the map did not show one spill but 'areas that could be affected by any one of 100 scenarios.'
Pawle went on to back the drilling project, citing research that oil in the Bight could produce up to six billion barrels by 2060 and create up to 5,000 jobs in Australia. He said this activity would 'increase Australia's GDP by $6billion to $19billion per year.'
Equinor, which has two permits for exploratory drilling in the Bight, outlined plans to start a large testing operation as early as late 2019.
Drilling the Bight is not new - 13 wells have been drilled since 1972, the most recent in 2006.
But activists are outraged about the prospect of a new project, especially after the Deep Water Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 which pumped 3.19 million barrels of oil into the ocean, killing 10 people and thousands of animals in the world's worst oil spill which had a clean up bill of $25billion.
Greenpeace released a statement outlining which animals could be under threat from an oil spill in the region. It read: 'The bight's waters hold 36 species of whales and dolphins, including the world's most important southern right whale nursery, and many humpback, sperm, blue and beak whales.
'Australian sea lions swim freely throughout the Bight, one of the only places in the world they can be found in large communities… Imagine a place so unique that over three-quarters of the species living there existed nowhere else on the planet. That's the Bight.'
It encouraged activists to send objections to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, which is assessing Equinor's application.
Several other groups have also been protesting against the plan, including a group of surfers headed by Aussie legend Mick Fanning who wrote an open letter.
It read: 'Formal plans have been lodged to turn the Great Australian Bight into a deep water oil field. The drilling, planned by Norwegian oil giant Equinor for later this year, would be deep, remote and risky. If it failed, Equinor's own spill modelling shows the potential for oil on beaches across thousands of kilometres.
'An oil spill in the Bight would be catastrophic, and the southern coastline of Australia would never be the same. The Bight is wild and pristine and should remain that way.
'The surfers below stand with the coastal communities of the Bight and beyond and call for the Great Australian Bight to be kept free from all deep water oil drilling.'
Equinor has insisted that 'drilling can be done safely'.
But opponents point out that the 2km depth of the ocean - 750m deeper than the Gulf of Mexico - and notoriously stormy conditions make the project potentially extremely dangerous.
These factors, as well as 'economic reasons' led BP to abandon plans to drill in the Bight in 2013.
Double standards? Right-wing poster boy Milo Yiannopoulos is banned from Australia only DAYS after Muslim sheik who described September 11 as a 'comedy film' toured the nation
Right-wing activist Milo Yiannopoulos has been banned from Australia only days after a visiting Muslim cleric who described September 11 as a 'comedy film' toured the nation.
The 34-year-old British-born campaigner against radical Islam, feminism and political correctness had his visa rejected by the Department of Home Affairs on 'character grounds'.
Yiannopolous learnt earlier this week he had been barred from entering Australia, only days after Egyptian Muslim cleric Dr Omar Abdelkafy had toured Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney.
In 2015, Dr Abdelkafy described the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States as comedy. 'This play to which Muslims are subjected to ad nauseum across the world is the sequel to the comedy film of 9/11,' he said in a video translated from Arabic by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
'The first part took place in New York and the sequel is taking place in Paris.'
He made the comments in January 2015 shortly after 12 staff of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were killed in Paris after it published a front-page cartoon mocking the Prophet Mohammad.
The 67-year-old sheikh with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood had described the French terrorist attack four years ago, by Muslim extremist brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, as a sequel to September 11.
Controversial figures banned from Australia
English right-wing commentator Tommy Robinson denied a visa to enter Australia in January 2019
Canadian right-wing agitator Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys and Vice Media, denied a visa in November 2018
American singer and songwriter Chris Brown barred in September 2015 over his 2009 conviction for assaulting his then girlfriend Rihanna, another singer
World champion boxer Floyd Mayweather banned in February 2015 over his history of domestic violence
American pick-up artist Julien Blanc forced to leave Australia in November 2014 following complaints he had advocated abusive behaviour towards women
U.S. rapper Snoop Dogg was banned from Australia in April 2007 because of drug and firearms convictions
Extremist Muslim sheikh Bilal Philips, a Canadian citizen based in Qatar, banned in April 2007 on the grounds he was linked to the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing in New York
English Holocaust denier David Irving denied a visa multiple times since 1993
Czech-born anti-fascist campaigner Egon Kisch prevented from disembarking from a ship in 1934 because of his communist views. He won a High Court appeal presided over by judge Herbert Evatt, who later became federal Labor leader
Despite that, he toured Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney between February 22 and March 1, and was a guest of the Australian Egyptian Society.
The Department of Home Affairs declined to comment on his individual case but said it respected free speech.
'Any application lodged with the Department by visitors who may hold controversial views will be considered, balancing any risk they may pose with Australia's well-established freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs,' it said in a statement.
'All applicants are required to be assessed against and to meet identity, security, character and health requirements.'
The 'well-established freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs' did not appear to apply to Yiannopoulos, who received a Notice of Intention to Consider Refusal in regard to his visa application, and was given 28 days to appeal.
His ban on entering Australia followed violent protests in Melbourne in 2017, as he embarked on a national speaking tour which required a significant police presence.
Disgruntled Liberal voters have expressed their displeasure on the party's Facebook page. 'For refusing Milo Yiannopoulos, my whole family will never vote Liberal Party again,' one woman said. 'NEVER. We will not forgive and forget. We wanted you to win the election, but now, will do a lot to prevent it.'
A self-described 'lifelong Liberal voter' and party member was also outraged at Prime Minister Scott Morrison. 'I cannot believe that you have denied Milo Yiannopoulos entry into Australia,' one man said. 'I truly though ScoMo had the goods but apparently not. I am disappointed and outraged beyond belief.'
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson was also outraged at Yiannopoulos being banned from Australia and has asked Immigration Minister David Coleman to reconsider.
'You may not agree with everything that they say as long as they don't go out there and advocate violence,' Senator Hanson told on Sky News Australia on Tuesday.
'If you actually want to stop someone, stop the protesters with their violence.'
Adelaide-based Shia imam Mohammad Tawhidi, who campaigns against Islamic extremism, said he condemned the double standard of Yiannopoulos being banned as Dr Abdelkafy was allowed to preach in Australia.
'Extremist Pro-Jihad and 9/11 preacher Omar AbdelKafi banned from entering Australia? Nope, he’s still on tour,' he told his 171,000 Facebook supporters.
'Milo got the ban. I disagree with Milo on many, many issues, but this is very wrong. 'This country is called Australia, not Saudi Arabia.'
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here