In his latest offering, conservative Australian cartoonist ZEG is having a laugh about the Media reaction to the Mueller report
Schools to promote "Stolen generation" story
This is fiction, not history. One or two dubious cases of "stolen" Aboriginal children have been put forward but nothing outside the usual incidence of social worker misjudgment. There have been far more incidences of regrettable social worker actions in England.
So the idea of a stolen "GENERATION" (i.e. 40,000 children or thereabouts) is the wildest fantasy. It is however a dangerous fantasy. It has made modern-day social workers very reluctant to remove Aboriginal children from neglectful and abusive families, resulting in some avoidable deaths and much suffering
Australian history and the curriculum that teaches it will today receive a boost as new lesson plans detailing the lived experience of the Stolen Generations become available to school children.
Developed by The Healing Foundation in consultation with Stolen Generations members, teachers, parents and curriculum writers, the new resources promote greater understanding about an often overlooked part of Australia’s history in a safe and age appropriate way.
The Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students will be officially launched at Trangie Central School near Dubbo in regional NSW this morning, one of the schools involved in testing the resources.
Including compulsory modules on the Stolen Generations in school curricula was first recommended in the landmark 1997 Bringing them Home report. The report identified education as an important part of the reparation process, with awareness of the history of child removal seen as key to preventing a repetition of such human rights violations.
The Healing Foundation’s Chair Professor Steve Larkin said sharing the truth of Australian history is an important part of healing for the thousands of children who were forcibly removed from their families between 1910 and the 1970s.
“Despite the traumatic impact that the Stolen Generations policies continue to have on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, very little about this chapter of our history has been taught in schools - particularly from an Indigenous perspective.
"We hope these resources will foster greater respect and understanding of the past and influence a different relationship with our communities,” Professor Larkin said.
Trangie Central School’s Deputy Principal Dimiti Trudgett said learning about the Stolen Generations encourages reconciliation for all Australians.
“As an important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, it supports the healing process for those impacted both directly and indirectly by acknowledging, comprehending and correcting the past,” Ms Trudgett said.
“We have trialled a number of activities from the resource kit with our secondary students and the response has been positive. The resources are not only educational, but are genuine and engaging. Our students particularly enjoyed the video case studies and computer components.”
The Healing Foundation’s Stolen Generations Reference Group Chair Ian Hamm said the activities draw heavily on the stories, music, dance, art and writing of Stolen Generations members and their descendants and showcase the strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture
“While the policies and suffering of the Stolen Generations is only one part of the ongoing story of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people it is an essential one to learn as part of developing a full understanding of the history of Australia,” Mr Hamm said.
The kit includes suggested lesson plans for Foundation Year through to Year 9, mapped to the Australian Curriculum, as well as professional learning tools for teachers.
Each year level includes four activities that can be taught over a day, week, month or term and align with National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
To mark the launch of these important new resources, The Healing Foundation is offering $700 micro grants for schools to hold events about the Stolen Generations between National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week 2019. To find out more or apply visit https://ift.tt/2HW8uWI
The lesson plans, case studies and other resources are available on The Healing Foundation website. Hardcopy versions of the kit can be ordered by emailing community@healingfoundation.org.au.
Media release from The Healing Foundation, a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation. Media contact: Ben O'Halloran - 0474 499 911 or ben@healingfoundation.org.au
Australian history lecturer is caught defaming Anzac heroes who fought at Gallipoli as 'killers'
Gallipoli was a WWI campaign to assist Russia -- and by killing 300,000 troops of Russia's enemy, Turkey, it certainly did that. But it was not the big success against Turkey hoped for. And the allied soldiers were of course killers. That was their job. It appears however that the Lecturer was denouncing them for doing their job, which is grievous to the relatives of the more than 200,000 Australians who died at Gallipoli.
There are no survivors left but there are many younger relatives alive, of whom I am one. Men who did a difficult and onerous task honourably and bravely in response to their country's call do not deserve disrespect
A lecturer has been caught teaching students at a prestigious Perth university that Australian soldiers who fought at Gallipoli were 'killers'.
Dr Dean Aszkielowicz, from Murdoch University, also told students that Anzac Day commemorations were a 'cliché' and that many of the young people who attended Anzac Day services in Gallipoli were 'drunk,' according to The Australian.
An audio recording of one of Dr Aszkielowicz's lectures obtained by the publication contained the statements, leaving some students questioning whether they are being taught a biased version of history.
When asked by one student if Anzacs who fought during the First World War should be viewed as murderers, Dr Aszkielowicz said that he didn't see why 'that isn't a viewpoint that shouldn't sit alongside this other version of how we look at the Anzacs'.
'If you go and you kill people, whether it's in a foreign campaign or not, then you've killed people and you're a killer,' he said.
More than 8,000 Australian soldiers died during the disastrous Gallipoli campaign, which ran from February 1915 to January 1916.
Many Australians and New Zealanders view the campaign as the moment the young nations lost their innocence and became proudly independent.
The comments on the Gallipoli campaign come as students at the same university were told that both the federal government and 'right-wing media' were misinforming the public about refugees on Manus Island and Nauru.
Anne Surma, an English and Creative Arts lecturer, urged her students to read a book by Manus Island asylum seeker Behrouz Boochani, who she described as 'prisoners'.
The University issued a statement that said it was important for all viewpoints to be taught to students – as well as the tools to allow them to form their own opinions.
The interim pro-vice-chancellor of the College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences, Professor Rikki Kersten, said that they actively encourage students to draw from arguments that range across the political spectrum.
'They might not agree with all the viewpoints they hear or read, but it is important they understand them and have the tools to form their own views.
'In the context of these lectures, our academics provided informed but challenging comment respectfully — this is academic freedom in action.'
The Greatest Generation VS the Greenest Generation
by Viv Forbes
My grandfather was part of the Great Generation. Toughened by wars and depression they were patriotic nation builders.
Their monuments are long-term productive assets like the Mount Isa and Broken Hill mines, smelters and refineries, the Wollongong Steelworks, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the transcontinental railway, the overland telegraph line, the Yallourn coal mines and Power stations, the Renison and Mt Lyell mines and railways, the Kalgoorlie Goldfields, the Weipa and Gladstone bauxite industries, Pilbara Iron, the Perth-Kalgoorlie pipeline, the Kidman Cattle Empire, the world’s biggest merino flock, QANTAS, the Holden car, Southern Cross windmills, the Sunshine Harvester and a network of roads, railways, towns, power lines, ports and airports.
The pioneers survived floods, droughts, bushfires and plagues of mice, rabbits, locusts and prickly pear to develop an agricultural industry that provides food and fibre for millions of consumers. They were frugal and inventive. They built everything themselves with corrugated iron, shingles, guttering, poles, posts, nails, rivets, solder and wire – houses, humpies, haysheds, milking barns, sheep yards, shearing sheds, water tanks, grain stores, dairies, meat houses, dog kennels, chook sheds and the dunny up the back. They created parks and planted orchards and forests for timber and paper.
They welcomed boat-loads of hard working migrants from many countries to farms and factories and celebrated the arrival of “clean coal energy by wire” to every home.
The Great Generation made sure their kids behaved at school and did their home-work. Mostly kids were “seen but not heard”. The kids walked, rode bikes or horses to school, and parents reinforced school discipline. That generation loved and trusted the ABC which provided unbiased news and weather forecasts and wholesome entertainment.
Our lives are now controlled by the Green Generation, who follow a Globalist agenda. This generation has devalued science, engineering and trade skills and pollute education curricula with the mantras of the green religion. They encourage the climate alarm, anti-enterprise, anti-family bias evident on the staff-controlled, taxpayer-funded ABC. And now they mobilise noisy truant kids for political rallies.
Too many of the Green Generation specialise in obstruction, destruction and delay, while themselves consuming the assets of the past. They cheer the demolition of coal-fired power plants and use green law-fare to stop or delay almost everything else. Among their battle trophies are South Australian and Victorian coal mines and power stations, most new industry proposals in Tasmania, much offshore oil exploration, new dam proposals in every state, and every new proposal for coal development, gas exploration or fracking. They hope to hang the scalps of Adani Coal, Rocky Point Coal, Wandoan Coal and all Galilee Basin developments on their trophy wall. Australia has a huge uranium resources but nuclear power is banned.
Nowhere is the contrast between the generations more stark than in the Snowy Mountains.
The Great Generation planned, financed and built the Snowy Hydro-electric Scheme (without UN direction or advice). This nation-building project captures Snowy water, uses it to generate reliable electricity, and diverts the water to irrigate towns, orchards and crops on the dry western plains.
The Green Generation supports Snowy Hydro 2, a hollow-shelled project that steals electricity from the grid and water from Snowy 1 to pump water uphill and then recovers part of that electricity by letting the water run back down again (when their intermittent green energy fails). It will be a big, power-consuming, expensive battery.
The sad history of Whyalla is instructive. The Great Generation built an iron mine, a steel works and a great shipbuilding enterprise there. Most of it is idle now. This generation of techno-phobes looks like trying to build foreign nuclear-powered submarines there but with diesel-electric engines (presumably running on bio-fuel.) The British navy that ruled the world ran on coal for the war-ships and bread, salt beef, lard, limes and rum for the sailors. Today’s green dreamers hope to feed the multi-sexual crew on nuts and raisins and use the alcohol to power the motors.
The Great Generation created our present world and left many useful assets as their monuments.
The Green Generation is destroying our future. The way things are heading, the lasting monuments to the Green Generation will be the skeletons of abandoned solar “farms” overgrown by lantana scrub, the concrete foundations of bankrupt wind “farms”, and spider-webs of useless sagging transmission lines and towers.
These memorials will serve to remind the next generation of the long, costly and futile war on hydro-carbon energy and the many failed climate forecasts.
The NSW election: Labor the true believer of its own false rhetoric
Graham Richardson
The pollsters are looking a little silly at the moment. The result of last Saturday’s NSW election shows a two-party-preferred swing of slightly better than 2 per cent, where the polls have been calling it dead even for months.
Anecdotally, I never felt Labor and Michael Daley had much of a chance. The biggest single problem facing Labor, Premier Gladys Berejiklian, has run a pretty good government. She and her more-than-capable Treasurer, Dominic Perrottet, have been able to produce surpluses while still pouring heaps of dollars into some big infrastructure programs which will serve the state well into the future.
While state cabinets usually only bat down to No 4 or No 5, she has a reasonably strong cabinet. Apart from Perrottet, it includes Planning Minister Anthony Roberts, Transport Minister Andrew Constance, and Health Minister Brad Hazzard. Most ministers have performed well, with the only obvious failures being Gabrielle Upton and Don Harwin.
The Liberals did well in Saturday’s election but the same cannot be said for their Coalition partner the Nationals. Still smarting from the horrors Barnaby Joyce provided them with over the last 12 months, the Nationals just can’t get out of their own road. The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party took a couple of seats from them and will pose a real danger in the May federal election.
Preferences are optional in NSW, so as many as 70 per cent of votes will exhaust after the vote is counted initially. This is different to a federal election, where a full preference on the ballot paper is necessary to render it formal. In seats where Labor preferences might matter, preferences will be watched anxiously by Nationals scrutineers.
For Labor, the result was disappointing. Being unable to win one seat in metropolitan Sydney except Coogee, where a very tight victory looks assured, gives the party a great deal to think about.
The result should have been enough for Daley to take it on the chin and resign.
Instead, until he announced last night that he would not run again, he thought he should be rewarded for his failure by being given the leadership once more.
He should have been immediately honest with himself about just how badly he performed during the last week of the campaign. He is renowned for not being across his brief and was caught short three times during the last days of the campaign.
Nationals Leader and Deputy Premier John Barilaro did well to hang on in the marginal seat of Monaro. Even in Labor’s supposed stronghold of Queanbeyan, Barilaro made serious inroads. He is going to prove particularly difficult to dislodge.
In this, its third election, you would have though the Coalition might be vulnerable. It had good plans for the construction of big infrastructure projects, which augurs well for the state’s economic future. Only that wretched light rail, the greatest cock-up in building rail I have ever witnessed, holds them back.
Unfortunately for the government, it is the one project which has the Premier’s fingerprints all over it. In this campaign Labor never really pinged the catastrophe on Berejiklian. That was a major failure.
For Labor, the next problem is what to do after Daley. The problem is you need to have someone else to run, and I just can’t see who the phantom leader is right now.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here