Of Course Candidate Trump Was Being 'Spied On'

Byron York, Washington Examiner: Barr is right, spying on Trump campaign did occur

Democrats and some in the media expressed shock and outrage when Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday that "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Barr "must retract his statement immediately or produce specific evidence to back it up," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said. "Perpetuating conspiracy theories is beneath the office of the attorney general."

Barr has gone "off the rails," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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WNU Editor: We know that FISA warrants were issued during the campaign to conduct surveillance of Trump officials. If that is not spying/surveillance, I do not know what  is.  President Obama's former Attorney General is rebuking the current Attorney General by saying that what happened is  called "investigating" and not "spying" .... Eric Holder rebukes William Barr: It’s called 'investigating' not 'spying' (Washington Examiner). My advice to the former Attorney General is to not get mixed up in this scandal. If you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party during an election campaign, you are breaking so many laws that I do not even know where to begin. On a side note. We still do not know why these warrants issued, and I think that is why Attorney General William Barr wants to pursue this.

Update: Former FBI Director James Comey is also saying the same nonsense .... "I've never thought of" electronic surveillance as "spying"

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