I have been writing recently that American democracy is in a state that can best be described as 'mate in three. The game is effectively over, and we're just going through the motions. To remind you of another of my comments, it was this. When the epitaph for American democracy is written, it will read as follows: Murdered in cold blood by Mitch McConnell.
McConnell's blockade of Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court was a decision he made. Not Trump, McConnell, and he did so before Trump even had the 2016 nomination locked up. Trump is merely a symptom of a greater problem. The person who has done the most damage to American democracy, I would argue, ever, is Mitch McConnell. Trump would be powerless without McConnell.
Long before it became the topic of discussion among the left, I started predicting court-packing on this blog as a response to McConnell's stunt. If the Democrats actually did manage to get control of the White House and Senate, it would be the strategically necessary response at this point. No choice. None whatsoever, if the party had a brain. Then again, don't count on the party actually getting there.
Murdered in cold blood by Mitch McConnell.