Walker again proves he is not 'Midwestern nice.'

To the self-created, self-serving and wildly-fraudulent descriptor "Midwestern nice" which our humility-free former governor appropriated for himself, feel free to add an asterisk - - * - - over Walker's intentional abuse of a state teacher's good name she'd repeatedly asked him to quit using for his own political gain:
A Wauwatosa teacher wanted Scott Walker to stop talking about her nearly a decade ago. He's still at it
Of course he's still at it. 

Because he's still 'at' being Governor, even if it's in an annoying buttinski shadow role brayed onto the political field from the cheap seats  - - like a busy-body, overbearing parent at kiddie sports games displaying a severe case of lost youth and missing self-awareness.

And Walker 'is still at' contorting himself into the ill-fitting costume of a rational, national relevant political figure who will be forever 'at' absorbing whatever or whomever serves his instant, one-dimensional, all-consuming, ego-gratifying 'I need a title" mission: 
Walker 2022. 

Midwestern nice? Please.

Midwestern nice*

Yeah, that's more like it.

Because the teacher whom Walker is using to make himself look Act 10 Strong and donor-worthy again has been asking Walker the Midwestern nice way to cut it out since 2015.

Wisconsin teacher of the year calls out Scott Walker over comments
As we used to say in Junior High School shop class, 'what a tool.' 

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