Manure spill in La Crosse County kills 1,000 trout

That's a lot of trout, as the DNR reports, below - - and it will be interesting to see if the DNR under new management and AG Kaul have a higher standard of enforcement than was displayed by their immediate GOP predecessors:
MADISON - Department of Natural Resources staff is actively assessing the impact of a manure spill that led to a significant fish kill in Bostwick Creek in the Town of Bangor (La Crosse County).  
The incident, which affects the area upstream of Highway M to Larson Road, was reported to the DNR on Saturday, June 8.  
DNR law enforcement is also investigating. Although the downstream impact to the fishery is being assessed, anglers should be aware that fishing in the area has been compromised. An estimated 1,000 dead trout have been collected from the creek. 
DNR fisheries staff will continue to monitor the creek.  
Here's a photo of a rainbow trout, so imagine 1,000 of these floating in manure-contaminated water.
Photo of hand holding adult female rainbow trout

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