It's bear-chasing, dog-wolf-fighting, get a WI DNR dead-dog-check time again

And so the state-sanction blood-letting begins. What sport!

Also on tap - - state-mandated, only-in-Wisconsin payments of $2,500 per dog killed in confrontations with wolves.

One of the hounds killed in this state-enabled dog-wolf fighting was a Redbone hound, like this one.

Lena the Redbone Coonhound.jpg

Sponsor a dog fight in your basement or yard, go to jail, as it's animal cruelty in the extreme.

Lose a dog to a wolf which you let run free during bear-hunting season, get a check from the state per the Legislature for $2,500! Talk about a double-standard. An only-in-Wisconsin practice.

I've been writing about this Wisconsin scandal for more than five years; hound owners including scofflaws, including repeat dead-dog fee collectors, are free to 'train' their dogs for the upcoming bear hunting season by letting the dogs run off-leash through territory the wolves have claimed - - and are often attracted to by bear bait left behind by the hounders.- - while chasing bears up trees and also harassing wolf packs, too.

Or any neighbors who would care to be outside with dealing with hounders racing down the roads following their packs of dogs which are outfitted with GPS collars, chasing down wildlife which belongs to all the people as part of the public trust, and which do not belong to any special interest, lobby or thoughtless dog 'trainer.'

What sport!

From the DNR, and there will be more before the 
training season ends:s be a
07/07/2019 Burnett 1 Hunting dog killed (Cur, 6-year old male) Burnett depredation siteBurnett depredation location map [PDF]
07/13/2019 Forest 1 Hunting dog killed (Redbone, 4-year old male) Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]

07/21/2019 Forest 1 Hunting dog killed (Plott, 7-year old female) Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]
07/21/2019 Forest 1 Hunting dog killed (Walker, 5-year old female) Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]

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