WI farmers are not over the hump, Walker hurdles, Trump tariffs

Donald Trump falsely said the country's shell-shocked farmers were "over the hump" - - so kudos to the Journal Sentinel for continuing to undermine Trump's fakery and ego with updated reporting on the dairy farming crisis in the Dairy State.
Wisconsin dairy farms: A portrait of loss

Remember that Scott Walker this in multiple ways, as I reported in January:
and I'd noted these depressing, going-out-of-business trends in Wisconsin's Dairyland here and also here

Walker no friend to Wisconsin family farmers. Or their water.
So here's the state of the Dairy State in one new headline: 
More than 4% of Wisconsin Dairy Farms Call It Quits in 2018—So Far
Meaning that almost two WI dairy farms are closing every day this year - - 382 through July 31. 
Western Wisconsin Had Most Farm Bankruptcies in the US
My take:
Gov. Walker helps expand the big CAFO dairy operations, embraces the Tariff King who's closing off export markets, and assigns no priority to stemming the leap in farm-country well-water and waterway contamination.

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