British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Asks Queen To Suspend Parliament Ahead Of Brexit Deadline

Daily Mail: Boris Johnson opts for the nuclear option: PM asks the Queen to SUSPEND Parliament just weeks before Brexit deadline to halt Corbyn plot to block No Deal as furious Speaker John Bercow accuses him of 'constitutional outrage'

* Boris Johnson to suspend Parliament until October 14 for new Queen's Speech
* Cleared his plan with the Queen this morning before sending letter to every MP
* Means House of Commons will be suspended some point week starting Sept 9
* Will reduce the amount of time available for MPs to try to stop No Deal Brexit
* Increases possibility of Jeremy Corbyn calling no confidence vote next week
* Move has sparked a political firestorm with PM accused of sidelining Parliament
* Furious MPs savage the PM and accuse him of 'behaving like a tin pot dictator'
* Mr Corbyn said suspending Parliament was an 'outrage and threat to democracy'
* Commons Speaker John Bercow: 'Move represents a constitutional outrage'
* But government insists the Queen's Speech plans are a regular procedural step

Boris Johnson today opted for the nuclear option of suspending Parliament in a bid to stop MPs trying to block the UK leaving the EU on October 31 as he declared war on the 'Remain Alliance'.

Mr Johnson intends to send MPs home for most of September and the start of October in a move which will dramatically reduce the amount of time available for them to pass a law to block a No Deal divorce from the EU on Halloween.

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More News On British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Asking The Queen To Suspend Parliament Ahead Of Brexit Deadline

Brexit: Speaker John Bercow calls parliamentary suspension 'constitutional outrage' – live -- The Guardian
The Latest: German govt won’t comment on UK Brexit moves -- AP
UK opposition reacts with fury to Parliament suspension -- AP
Johnson to restrict parliament time before Brexit -- Reuters
UK PM Boris Johnson to suspend parliament until October 14 -- France24
Boris Johnson asks Queen to suspend Parliament -- BBC
Boris Johnson asks Queen to suspend parliament -- The Guardian
Brexit: Boris Johnson pushes to suspend Parliament until October 14 -- DW
Boris Johnson asks Queen to suspend Parliament ahead of Brexit deadline -- ABC News Online
Pound nosedives against the dollar amid reports Boris Johnson will seek an extended suspension of Parliament making no-deal Brexit more likely -- Daily Mail
Proroguing Parliament: What does it mean? -- DW

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