Politico: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
The Trump administration is slow-walking $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, annoying lawmakers and advocates who argue the funding is critical to keeping Russia at bay.
President Donald Trump asked his national security team to review the funding program, known as the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in order to ensure the money is being used in the best interest of the United States, a senior administration official told POLITICO on Wednesday.
But the delays come amid questions over Trump’s approach to Russia, after a weekend in which the president repeatedly seemed to downplay Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine and pushed for Russia to be reinstated into the Group of Seven, an annual gathering of the world’s largest advanced economies. The review is also occurring amid a broader internal debate over whether to halt or cut billions of dollars in foreign aid.
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WNU Editor: This military aid is only being used to wage war on Russian Ukrainians in the eastern part of the country, and in my opinion does not serve to advance the best interest of the United States. It does deserve a review, and I hope that it will also sends a message to the new Ukraine President that the days of the U.S. giving them a blank check may be coming to an end. Not surprising, some in Ukraine are miffed .... Trump is one big headache for Ukraine (Askold Krushelnycky, Kyiv Post). My prediction. The Ukraine President will be meeting President Trump next week. This military aid will be given. Unfortunately, there are too many in Washington, Moscow, and in Kiev who have a vested interest to see this conflict continuing.
More News On President Trump Holding Up $250 Million In Ukraine Military Aid
Trump heavily considering blocking $250M in military aid to Ukraine -- CNN
Trump considering blocking military aid to Ukraine: CNN -- Reuters
Trump Asks Security Team to Review Military Assistance to Ukraine - Reports -- Sputnik
Trump reviews Ukraine aid to ensure it’s being used in US’ interests – report -- RT