Yesterday, Robin Vos played physician's assistant and failed wordsmith.
And Friday, Vos and fellow loose cannon Scott Fitzgerald went back to pretend law school to tsk-tsk Attorney General Josh Kaul - - a Democrat: horrors!! - - with your tax money and grab more state power for themselves.
Republicans argue Kaul must get permission from them before settling a broad set of cases. Any money from settlements must go into the state's main account, they contend.The leadership duo claims to be better stewards of state dollars, yet they are the architects of the Foxconn fiasco subsidies and a road system statewide allowed to degrade while being expanded to serve Foxconn in Vos' district at massive public expense.
Fitzgerald's legal acumen has been on display before.
Vos, as the Cap Times Dave Zweifel points out, is a pure bully.