Who saw that coming?
Good thing it's not related to a personal campaign for higher office, is it?
potholes Scottholes, replaced all the lead water pipes, gotten the manure out of rural groundwater, extended broadband services to under-served areas, stopped the spread of chronic deer wasting disease and added back all the K-12 and UW system funding which Walker and the GOP-run legislature stripped out in their bad early years.

Awaiting also the list of state program cuts which the GOP-controlled legislature will have to regrettably announce when the recession takes hold and there just isn't enough money in the cookie jar to fund them.
Who saw that coming?
Good thing it's not related to a personal campaign for higher office, is it?
Wisconsin Senate leader Scott Fitzgerald, who is running for Congress, floats new tax cutApparently the state has repaired all its aging bridges, filled all the

Awaiting also the list of state program cuts which the GOP-controlled legislature will have to regrettably announce when the recession takes hold and there just isn't enough money in the cookie jar to fund them.
Who saw that coming?