Growing Calls For Separation In Western Canada After Trudeau's Election Victory

Politico: Trudeau victory prompts ‘Wexit’ talk in Canada’s West

Canada’s western provinces are angry at Trudeau and other eastern liberals.

Confused by Brexit? Get ready for “Wexit.”

Political leaders representing a large chunk of Canada are talking about breaking off from the rest of the country in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s re-election victory — and this time they’re not primarily in French-speaking Quebec, long known for its independent streak.

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WNU Editor: Separation is not going to happen. But it is also true that Prime Minister Trudeau's Liberals have zero support in two of Canada's western provinces (Alberta and Saskatchewan), and I do not see Prime Minister Trudeau bending or compromising on any of his issues when it comes to accommodating western Canada. As to what does this mean. Expect this western animosity to grow, as well as western alienation.

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