From Urban Milwaukee:

Open house Tuesday on joint stormwater project under I-794
Meeting to also explore long-term vision of site
As part of the effort to reduce runoff entering local waterways from the I-794 freeway, a public meeting will take place Tuesday, November 26, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be an open house format at the Milwaukee Public Market (upstairs). Parking in the market’s lot will be free for participants; validation will be provided at the meeting.
The City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) and Wisconsin Department of Transportation are collaborating on this green infrastructure project under the freeway west of 6th Street between West Clybourn and West St. Paul avenues. The City is looking to advance this project as a part of funding the City receives through the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Green Solutions Program.
This green initiative will also consider future options to improve the space with better connectivity, visibility and community amenities.
Attendance and comments from the public are welcome and appreciated.