The South Korean Navy's Anti-Submarine Warfare Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (ASWUUV) appears larger than U.S. Navy and Chinese Navy large displacement UUVs.H I Sutton
Forbes: New Submarine Killing Autonomous Underwater Drone
The pace of change in underwater warfare has become palpable. There are signs that the long-promised dawn of underwater robots is upon us.
Barely a month after China revealed its first large underwater robot, another country has stepped into the arena with an even more ambitious project: a submarine-hunting unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). That county may not be the one you are expecting.
South Korean manufacturer Hanwha Systems unveiled the ASWUUV (Anti-Submarine Warfare Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) in a defense show on October 22. It is designed to prowl the ocean, at depth of up to 1,000 feet, hunting for enemy submarines. Once detected, it will alert friendly forces so the prey can be trapped and destroyed. It is not yet in production but is expected to hit the water next year.
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WNU Editor: I can understand why the South Koreans want this underwater drone fleet as quickly as possible. North Korea's submarine fleet has always been a threat to their security.