WI DNR moving clean water rule packages to the Legislature

We'll see how the GOP-run Wisconsin Legislature and committees reacts to these initiatives which the DNR disclosed by email on Friday:
The Department of Natural Resources has submitted four Administrative Rule packages related to water quality standards to the State Legislature for their review.  The Assembly and Senate committees that each rule was assigned to are shown at the bottom of the rule’s webpage under the “History” section.  If public hearings are scheduled, they will be posted on the Legislature’s calendar at: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/calendar/rules
  • CR 19-014: Bacteria surface water quality criteria relating to updating Wisconsin’s water quality criteria for pathogens, specifically bacteria, to protect recreational uses; and updating related WPDES permit implementation procedures for the revised water quality standards to be consistent with EPA’s recreational water quality criteria.
  •  CR 19-094: Waterbody assessments using biological metrics relating to processes for waterbody assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments.
  •  CR 19-093: Establishing a general process for developing site-specific criteria for phosphorus relating to the development of site-specific numeric phosphorus water quality criteria for surface waters. (Note: This rule is separate from the one for the Wisconsin River Basin below.)https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/chr/all/cr_19_093
  •  CR 19-083: Wisconsin River Basin site-specific criteria for phosphorus relating to site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake located in Wood, Juneau, and Adams counties, Castle Rock Lake located in Adams and Juneau counties, and Lake Wisconsin located in Columbia and Sauk counties.

Dead Brookie, Little Plover River, River Alliance of Wisconsin photo

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