Can U.S. Senator Sanders Beat President Trump In November?

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Senetor Bernie Sanders speaks with voters at the First in the South Dinner in Charleston, South Carolina, U.S., February 24, 2020. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Reuters: Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders’ Democratic presidential rivals warn that nominating the self-described democratic socialist will ensure President Donald Trump’s re-election, but a growing number of the party’s voters see the senator as their best chance of winning in November.

Sanders’ dominating performance in last week’s Nevada caucuses, powered by growing support across age, race and ideology, has set off alarm bells among Democratic Party officials who believe putting the progressive stalwart at the top of the ticket will harm the party’s chances up and down the ballot.

Sanders’ electability was a prime topic at Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina. Rivals contended his ambitious liberal policy ideas, such as Medicare for All, which would replace private health insurance, would be an electoral “catastrophe,” costing the party the White House and control of Congress.

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Update: This Is Not McGovern’s America: Crazy Bernie Can Win It All (Issues & Insights).

WNU Editor: Senator Sanders has been boasting for the past week that most polls show that he can defeat President Trump in November. As to what is my take. I have my doubts. The U.S. electorate does not lean hard-left, and the polls that I trust are reflecting that .... Trump Thumps Sanders in Head-to-Head Matchup (Rasmussen). But the election is still 8 months away, and anything can happen between now and then.

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