‘Don’t bastardise all men… these things happen’: Pauline Hanson says cowardly dad who murdered his entire family may have been ‘driven to do it’
It's good that we have sensible women such as Pauline Hanson and Bettina Arndt to speak up against the hateful and totally unreasonable feminist claim that Hannah Clarke was murdered by her estranged husband because that is what "men" do. Baxter's maleness has been given as the sole explanation for his evil deeds.
That millions of women are NOT murdered by their partner is ignored. It is surely the vast non-murdering majority of men who tell you what "men" do. But feminists are so full of hate that they cannot see that.
So why did Baxter really do it? Unless we know that, how are we supposed to prevent similar deeds by other troubled men?
Until we are given the full facts about the family history involved we cannot know for sure how it all worked out but from my point of view as a psychologist there is one highly likely explanation for the tragedy: Baxter was a bully.
He was a common bully type, physically imposing and very egotistical. The combination of a strong body and a big ego can be very problematical. We see it in schoolyards all the time. Some stronger kid will pick on some weak and "loser" kid. In the course of a schooling that behaviour will usually be suppressed in some way, partly by teachers, partly by parents and partly by other students.
I remember a question I once asked my well-built son when he was in High School I asked him whether any other kids picked on him. He said "No. I'm too big for them. And if I see them picking on some smaller kid, I put myself in between them". So the corrective role of other students should not be ignored.
Sometimes, however, the bully gets away with a lot and forms behaviour patterns that last into adulthood. But such patterns are very limiting in adulthood. The bully will find himself avoided if not ostracized. The bully of course sees this and endeavours to change his ways at least superficially. He practices being "nice". But that pretence periodically breaks down. His real motivation comes out in hostility of some sort.
So in the end he will be mistrusted and socially excluded. And for anyone that is very grievous. Among Aborigines, social exclusion is the mechanism behind a wrongdoer being "sung" to death. So the bully in any society has usually been locked into a behaviour pattern that badly hurts him emotionally.
And when that hurts too much he may strike out fatally at the one whose disapproval hurts him the most. He blames the other person -- such as his ex-wife -- for his own deep unhappiness rather than himself. He sees that his life has been a failure and there is nothing left in it for him. So death seems to him to be welcome. So murder-suicide ensues.
So what can be done? Just one thing: Bullying has to be stopped at its source. It has to be stopped during the bully's schooldays. All Education Departments have high-sounding policies that claim to do that but enforcement is very lax. So we cannot look at the existing system for hope. A firmer approach is needed.
I would advocate sending bullies to a special school where bullying behavior is vigilantly watched for and heavily punished. Bullying must be negatively reinforced, to use psychologist's jargon. And talk is no good. The bully has to be subjected to treatment that is a replica of what he normally does to others.
Politician Pauline Hanson has defended controversial comments about the horrific Brisbane murder-suicide, saying 'these things happen'.
In a crime which rocked Australia on Wednesday, Hannah Clarke, 31, was murdered by her estranged husband along with her three young children.
Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4, and Trey, 3, were burned alive by their own father on their way to school after he poured petrol in their car and lit a flame.
But Ms Hanson said the cowardly murders shouldn't lead to people 'bastardising all men' - saying Baxter could have been 'driven to it'. 'Don't bastardise all men out there, or women for that matter, because these things happen,' she said on Monday morning.
Speaking about domestic violence murders, she added that: 'A lot of people are driven to this, to do these acts for one reason or another.'
The killings have led to calls for more protection for domestic violence victims, after Ms Clarke was emotionally, sexually and financially abused by Baxter for years.
Speaking on Today, Ms Hanson said the murders have been in the news more than if it was committed by a woman - and that Baxter may have been 'driven to it'.
'You know, this has been for a week we have been in the news nearly every day about this horrific tragedy,' she said on Today on Monday morning.
'But we don't hear much about it when a woman has murdered her children by driving a car into a tree, she threw out a suicide note. 'Or the woman who doused her husband with fuel and set him alight an said she was possibly driven to it.
'Hopefully the family law inquiry will get to the bottom of it.'
She also defended commentator Bettina Arndt, who made controversial comments about the Baxter murders.
Some MPs want Arndt to be stripped of her Order of Australia, after she praised a Queensland police officer for saying Baxter may have been 'driven too far'. Queensland detective Mark Thompson was taken off the case after making the comments.
'Congratulations to the Queensland police for keeping an open mind and awaiting proper evidence, including the possibility that Rowan Baxter might have been 'driven too far'," Ms Arndt wrote on Twitter. 'But note the misplaced outrage. How dare police deviate from the feminist script of seeking excuses and explanations when women stab their partners to death, or drive their children into dams but immediately judging a man in these circumstances as simply representing the evil violence that is in all men.'
Speaking about Ms Arndt's comments, Ms Hanson said she should not be stripped of her Australia Day honour.
'It was a horrendous act of what he did to his children,' she said. 'It was a tragedy and I am very deeply sorry for everyone.
'But Bettina Arndt should not be stripped of her Order of Australia. She is clearly stating what she thinks and what a police officer said.
'This is why I have pushed for the family law inquiry to get behind what is happening on this.'
The mum-of-three had desperately tried to keep her young family safe from their evil dad, but was struggling after her domestic violence protection order was watered down.
It has since emerged that he subjected Hannah to years of domestic violence, prompting the brave mum to finally leave him last November.
There was a domestic violence order (DVO) in place, but she expressed frustration that the conditions wouldn't be enough to keep her family safe.
Despite being stalked every day by her monstrous ex, the DVO was watered down to allow her husband to be a close as 100 metres from her.
'I have to go back to court and had to drop off an application today to get the DVO conditions changed as he keeps turning up where I am,' the mother-of-three said in text message to a friend, sent on January 30.
'He got the DVO adjourned and when they did that they took off the no contact and made it just 100m from my home so technically he’s not doing anything wrong … hence why we need it changed!'
Even the female police officer who helped Hannah lodge her DVO last year told her it would do little to protect her from her evil husband.
The domestic violence double standard
Bettina Arndt
Across Australia, we reeled when we heard news that former Rugby League player, Rowan Baxter had set fire to his car, killing his ex-wife and three young children, and then stabbed himself to death. Unthinkable acts that chilled everyone to the bone.
Then came the press conference from the Queensland police, a very strange event where the police spokesman, Detective Inspector Mark Thompson, suggested it was important to keep an open mind and compile proper information about what had happened. “Is this an issue of a woman suffering significant domestic violence and her and her children perishing at the hands of the husband, or is it an instance of a husband being driven too far by issues he’s suffered by certain circumstances into committing acts of this form,” he said.
It was an extraordinary statement, given the pressure the police are under to simply promote the violent man narrative, ignoring any inconvenient truths that muddy the waters. Thompson looked most uncomfortable, suggesting he was privy to much more information.
My initial reaction was to stay out of it, given the battering I have taken on recent weeks. But then I discovered that even though I had made no public comment about the case, I was trending on twitter as my enemies used this tragedy as a means of beating me up, claiming I was misguided to challenge the feminist narrative on domestic violence. Baxter was proof that men are dangerous, posing immense risks to women and children.
Immediately our media fell into line, using this tragic case to promote the need to protect women from violent men. And slamming Detective Inspector Thompson for daring to suggest that men can ever be “driven” into acting this way.
Learning more
Then, out of the blue, I heard from a woman who was close to the Baxter family, telling me that many in the community were alarmed that the truth of what happened was being so distorted. I had a long phone call with her where she explained the background to Baxter’s actions – information I hope will be revealed in the coroner’s inquiry. The people with real knowledge of the case are naturally nervous now of speaking publicly, although I hope they will eventually be willing to give media interviews.
It led to a sleepless night as I wrestled with the knowledge of what would happen if I got involved in this explosive issue versus my reluctance to allow the bastards to win. That would be the result if I was cowered into silence, avoiding public engagement on an issue which is at the heart of over a decade of my writing about the way domestic violence is being misrepresented to demonize men.
In the end I decided I have nothing to lose - and the truth matters. Someone reminded me of James Baldwin’s quote about “the most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.” Man or woman. Despite the attempts to damage to my public reputation through media pile-ons, I’m still standing and will keep fighting.
So, this morning I posted a few carefully written social media comments
Next I pointed out how differently we treat women who commit similarly horrible acts, immediately searching for reasons, asking what drove them to it. I posted this blog, which outlines some of the cases where women have committed violent acts, murdering their partners and children.
We’ve seen many cases of women committing homicide or filicide, where the press coverage is entirely focussed on explanations for her behaviour. See this article about a Cairns woman who killed 8 children.
I’ve also posted research showing both men and women commit such crimes such as this comprehensive study published in 2009 by Nielsen et al in the Medical Journal of Australia, looking at all cases of child homicide in NSW between 1991 and 2005. It found that, in cases of family homicide/revenge/homicide-suicide like the Rowan Baxter case, men were the perpetrators of child homicide in 10 cases, while women were the perpetrators in seven cases. Yes, tiny numbers. There’s no epidemic of these violent acts, thank goodness. But men certainly aren’t the only perpetrators.
The filicide evidence shows children are killed by mothers and fathers at roughly similar rates. The most recent figures covering 2000 – 2012 show 76% of the 284 victims were killed by a custodial parent—46% by a custodial mother & 29% by a custodial father.
Pissing in the wind?
Maybe it is stupid to even try to counter the mighty onslaught from the domestic violence industry, who are cynically using this tragedy to recruit politicians and prominent people to call for more funding to protect women and children. This is after many, many millions have been spent on our feminist domestic violence policies which so clearly are failing to address the complexities of the problem.
It is just amazing that the media is so united in constructing a careful narrative of a battered woman and controlling man, with violence orders failing to protect a vulnerable family from his murderous rage. This video of Baxter rough-housing with his children is being used to demonstrate his dangerous toxic masculinity – despite the obvious delight of his children and the fact they keep coming back for more.
How come not a single journalist has the courage to investigate what drove police officer, Mark Thompson, to risk his career by voicing concerns about the complexity of the case? Now Thompson has been forced to step down from the investigation, apologising for his “ill-chosen” words.
This is Stasiland in action. Police across the country must be shuddering at the fate of this brave colleague who paid the price for doing his job with professionalism and honesty. Look at this article from the Courier Mail.
I am calling on people to write to the Queensland Police asking that he be reinstated to his position in the investigation. And please write also to your local MP, asking that they resist the cynical push for more money for domestic violence policies which fail to address the real issues.
A public inquiry
If the coronial inquest into this case reveals the truth, it could make a strong case for a public inquiry into how this happened. Why can’t we ask the hard questions that we would have asked if it was a female perpetrator? Like:
How did he get to such a state of irrationality, despair and desperation that he could do such a thing?
Why wasn’t he seeking support? Is there any support available for men in his situation?
What could we as a society have done better to prevent this?
That does not mean we are victim blaming or seeking justification. Merely a deeper understanding. Why is this so unacceptable simply because we are talking about a man?
Well, that’s it for now. I will keep you informed as this important issue develops, Tina
Via email from Bettina@bettinaarndt.com.au
Gang rapist Mohammed Skaf loses latest parole bid
In a sense Skaf is a victim of his Satanic Muslim religion, which teaches that women are things secondary to men
Notorious gang rapist Mohammed Skaf will remain behind bars for the rest of the year after his bid for freedom was knocked back for a third time by the NSW State Parole Authority.
Skaf, who was convicted alongside his brother Bilal over a terrifying series of rapes in Sydney in 2000 that shocked Australia, became eligible for parole in January 2017.
The parole authority has repeatedly rejected the now 36-year-old’s pleas for release, citing the fact that he has continued to blame his victims for his offending after being convicted.
Former District Court judge, Michael Finnane, QC, who presided over the “Skaf trials” said the series of gang rapes amounted to a crime “worse than murder”.
“In the worst case, a girl was raped 40 times by 14 men in four hours,” Mr Finnane told The Australian. “To be kidnapped and raped, and to be raped by a gang, only to find another gang turns up ... I doubt they will ever get over that.”
Mohammed Skaf was originally sentenced to 31 years in jail by Mr Finnane but his sentence was later reduced on appeal to 22 years with a non-parole period of 18 years.
Skaf can next apply for parole in November this year, and Mr Finnane said the community would likely be safer if the rapist is released on parole before his sentence expires in January 2024.
“At some point, he will be released,” Mr Finnane said. “That’s what is staring parole authorities in the face, this man is going to be released. “It’s better to put someone on parole and put them on tough conditions then just let them walk out at the end of their sentence,” he said.
Skaf can still apply to have this latest decision reviewed but if that application is rejected then the order to refuse parole will stand.
In one attack, Skaf tricked a 16-year-old school friend into going to Greenacre’s Gosling Park.
At the park, she was pinned down by her arms and legs and raped by Mohammed’s brother Bilal and one other man while twelve other men watched who were “standing around, laughing and talking”.
The second man held a gun to her head and kicked her violently in the stomach before she was able to escape.
Bilal Skaf led and orchestrated the sadistic attacks by using SMS and mobile phones in a “military style” operation, Mr Finnane said.
They called ahead to other attackers in a bid to co-ordinate the transport of gang members to the locations where women were being held.
“The victims were passed from group to group and each group was called by mobile phone. It was a calculated crime and I’ve never seen anything like it before or since,” he said.
A pre-release report compiled by Corrective Services in 2018 said Skaf “has demonstrated no change in his attitude toward his offences since the beginning of his sentence” and “continues to blame the victims.”
Frogs be dammed … Australia needs more water
It is no surprise that with a continent as dry as Australia our most precious resource would be water.
If that is a given, how is it that it is well nigh impossible to build a dam in this country? We had a brilliant start with the Snowy River Scheme, but it is almost as if we completed that and decided to rest on our laurels.
Those laurels are getting pretty parched now. It is a forlorn task to find a site for a new dam that the Greens might support. Greens opposition to new dams is implacable and, when combined with the understandable hysteria of those who will be displaced because their properties lie within the area to be flooded to create the new dam, you have the perfect confluence of forces to create the big media campaigns that can terrify governments and send them weak at the knees. Too many pollies run at the first whiff of grapeshot and opportunities are lost.
Michael McCormack, the leader of the Nationals, and Barnaby Joyce, the man who wants to be leader of the Nationals, and Matt Canavan, the man who should be leader of the Nationals, are the only politicians who seem to have any interest in building more dams. The Greens can always find an endangered frog that should be saved at the expense of human beings’ need for clean water, so there are guaranteed to be plenty of citizens death-riding any plans to construct a dam.
I hope we find someone in power somewhere prepared to tell the nay-sayers where to get off. It would be wonderful if Scott Morrison could find the courage to build a dam as well as finance a new coal-fired power station on the east coast of Australia. If he showed that kind of courage, Anthony Albanese would be flat out ever beating him.
Any pollie with the ticker to defy the noisy frontline of demonstrators that opposes building almost anything and go ahead with real nation-building infrastructure projects will experience a surge in support. The punters love action but they don’t get much of it. Australians are getting to the point, after a period of stable economic growth, to look for a leader prepared to drag us back up towards the top of the developed world’s list of countries that make things happen.
Gladys Berejiklian has shown us the way on infrastructure and that is why she is winning. Whether it’s road or rail, her government has plans in place that, once implemented, will keep NSW ahead of the game in the decades to come. The big plays do matter and she gets it that every parent has an eye on the kind of future being built for their children.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here