Newsweek: How to Prepare for the Coronavirus: What to Buy Now in Case a Pandemic Is Declared, According to a Virologist
As the deadly new coronavirus continues to spread around the world, a scientist has released a list of items to collect in case COVID-19 is declared a pandemic—but stressed that people should not panic buy or hoard.
Virologist Ian Mackay, adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Queensland, Australia, wrote in a blog post that, as COVID-19 isn't widespread in most parts of the world, "now is a great time to make a list, label up a 'Pandemic Stash' box, and begin to slowly fill it with items that won't go off and that you won't touch unless needed."
Writing on his Virology Down Under website Tuesday, Mackay said if more cases appear and can't be traced back to known chains of transmission then "the efforts in some countries to contain COVID-19 will have failed."
"At some point, we'll be in the main phase of a pandemic," he said, emphasizing that "a pandemic doesn't necessarily mean the disease is severe" but rather denotes a pathogen that has spread widely within two or more countries other than the first one to report it.
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WNU Editor: I have taken measures to have enough to take care of 4 people for 6 weeks in my chalet. At my home in Montreal I have enough to last a month (for four people). I will also be buying some extra stuff in the next week or two .... like a few cases of beer, duct tape, batteries, fill up my second propane tank for my barbecue, keep the gas tank in my car always full, etc.. For security I have a 20 gauge Browning, and I bought extra shells last week. I am also telling everyone I know to keep a good amount of cash in hand but in low denominations.
Are we on the verge of a pandemic? My gut says yes, and I think it is going to be announced in March. But I do not think it will be as severe as the doomsayers are saying. My main concern will be hoarding, a shortage of certain goods, and price inflation on the essentials. Because most people will be staying in their homes, I can see boredom and restlessness becoming a huge issue for many homes.
On an interesting side note. I operate a free library online that has been active for the past 20 years (click here for My traffic from China has increased 20x in the past month.