Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Democrats will publish HALF of the Iowa caucus results by 5pm - but crisis could last for weeks leaving state with NO official winner
* Pete Buttigieg, the former South Bend mayor, declared himself victor of the Iowa caucus even though there are no official results
* He said Tuesday in New Hampshire his performance had been 'phenomenal'
* Elizabeth Warren said she feels 'good' but results are still too close
* Amy Klobuchar said she did 'incredibly well'
* 'We don't know all of the results. But we do know that by the time it's all said and done, Iowa: you have shocked the nation,' Because by all indications we are going on to New Hampshire victorious,' Buttigieg said in Iowa Monday
* But the entire Democratic field have no idea of official results after the Iowa Democratic Party's reporting app crashed and its backup phone system did too
* Joe Biden rolled out endorsement of Caroline Kennedy, JFK's daughter
* Buttigieg's daring move came as party issued panicked statement saying it had not been hacked but results had 'inconsistencies' and paper ballots will be used
Democratic Party officials said they plan to release a majority of Iowa's delayed presidential caucus results by late Tuesday, according to details shared with campaigns on a private conference call.
The news did little to stem rising confusion and concern hours after voting ended without the release of a single result in the opening contest of the Democrats 2020 primary season.
State party chairman Troy Price informed campaigns that he would release at least 50% of all caucus results at 4pm CST / 5 pm EST, but he declined to answer pointed questions from frustrated campaign representatives about when the party would release the full results or how it could ensure their integrity - even whether it would be a matter of days or weeks.
'We will continue to work through the process,' Price said on the call, which was monitored by The Associated Press. 'We want to get some results out there.'
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WNU Editor: No final poll published before the caucuses because one person complained that their candidate was not on the questionnaire. The app that was to be used to tally the results fails at the critical time that it is needed. Then the precinct captains cannot call in the results because the phone lines are jammed?!?!?! And now we are being told that only 50% of the results will be released, with the full results being released in a few days/weeks?!?!?! This is a total disaster.
Update: You know he is laughing at them .... Trump revels in Democrats' Iowa 'voting disaster' (Politico).
Update #2: I do not think he is disappointed. I think he is furious .... Bernie Sanders is 'extremely disappointed' Iowa Democratic Party hasn't released caucus results (Des Moines Register).
Update #3: They are blaming this mess on bad code for their app. I am not buying that excuse. I have worked with developers in putting apps online, and there are steps that you must go through to make sure they do not crash before they are put online. If this was ignored .... well then .... the Democrat Party in Iowa must have hired the most incompetent firm in the world to do their work.
Update #4: Yup! They did hire the world's most incompetent firm .... DHS head claims Iowa Democrats refused to let department test failed caucus app (Washington Examiner).
Update #5: How can a phone system collapse?!?!?! That is another excuse that is being offered on why the precinct captains could not phone in their results.
Update #6: My gut is telling me that this is true .... Sanders Campaign’s Internal Caucus Numbers Show Them Leading Iowa, With Biden a Distant Fourth (Intercept).
More News On Iowa Caucuses
The Latest: Nevada Dems say they won’t have chaos like Iowa -- AP
Iowa Democrats to release first results after presidential caucus chaos -- Reuters
Dem candidates snipe at each other and Iowa officials as they await results -- Politico
Iowa loses patience as Democrats delay release of caucus results -- France 24
Iowa blames app for caucus delay, says results to be released 'as soon as possible today' -- The Hill
At least half Iowa results expected by day’s end, Dems say -- AP
Democratic presidential candidates campaign across New Hampshire as they scramble to put the Iowa fiasco behind them even though there are STILL no results from Monday's caucuses -- Daily Mail
Tech problem with mobile app causes Iowa caucus chaos -- AP
Iowa caucus app: Iowa Democratic Party blames 'coding issue' for results delay -- NBC
‘A Systemwide Disaster’: How the Iowa Caucuses Melted Down -- DNYUZ
Explainer: Election meltdown: What went wrong at the Iowa caucuses -- Reuters
Iowa meltdown threatens future of state's caucuses -- The Hill